Page 103 of The Girl in the River

He wants you to suffer.

Terror engulfed her. Kevin was tied to his father and the town. If he wanted to torture her, he could keep her locked here forever then take Pixie to Foggy Mountain or anywhere… if he had a paternity test done and confirmed she was his, a judge might even grant him custody.

A sob built in her chest and she struggled to breathe. The hum of the boat’s motor buzzed in Mia’s brain as the storm outside shook the cabin, and rain pinged the window just like it had the night her parents had died.

She screamed and clung to the side of the boat, shivering as her father raced through the choppy water. The force threw her to the side and Jo-Jo grabbed her hand to keep her from tumbling overboard.

Rain slashed her face and body. As her heart pounded, she heard another boat zooming up behind them.

Now, she closed her eyes and tried to block out the storm just as she had back then. But the storm in her heart could not be quieted.

She loved Mark. But by now he’d know she’d lied to him and he would never forgive her. He was such a good man. The opposite of Kevin. Kind and loving. His students and the kids he coached came to him with their problems and he listened with patience, guiding by example.

Kevin claimed he wanted children. But she’d never seen him interact with a child. When they encountered families with children at a restaurant, he’d complained that they whined and were noisy and messy.

When things had started to disintegrate between them, he’d replaced her birth control with a placebo without her knowledge. A child had meant a way to trap her, to sink his claws deeper and deeper into her. Anger at his deceit railed through her.

Now her sweet, precious, funny little Pixie was in danger…

She had to save her.

Blinking back another onslaught of tears, she dragged herself from the cot and searched the small dresser in the corner for something to use as a weapon. But there was nothing except a hairbrush inside.

The rocking of the boat was making her nauseous, so she staggered to the bathroom. Her reflection stared back at her in the small oval mirror above the sink. God, she looked like a ghost of herself. Gaunt face, bloodshot eyes, skin pale and splotchy.

Not that it mattered. She didn’t care how she looked for Kevin. She was not Jesse anymore and she never would be.

She grabbed a washcloth from the towel rack, wrapped it around her hand and smashed the glass. Slivers flew into the sink, and a big crack formed down one side. She chipped it away until she pulled a sharp piece from the corner and carried it back to the cabin, hiding it beneath the mattress.



Before the Wades saw Mark, Ellie decided to give them a heads-up about her plan. She motioned Bryce over to explain.

“You heard the doctor say Mark is going to be okay,” Ellie told Mark’s parents. “But I think it’s best that we don’t advertise that fact. Let Pixie’s abductor think that he died in the shooting.”

Mrs. Wade gasped and Mr. Wade’s face turned ashen. “Why would we do that?” he asked.

“For his safety,” Ellie said with conviction. “He confirmed that Kevin Moon shot him and kidnapped Pixie. If he learns Mark is still alive and can identify him, he might send someone back to kill him.”

Sylvia Wade slumped against her husband and he supported her with his arm, saying, “If you think he’s still in danger, then yes, we’ll agree.”

Ellie directed her next words to Bryce. “Sheriff Waters will send a deputy here to guard Mark’s room, won’t you, Sheriff?”

He slid his phone from his belt clip. “Of course. He won’t be left alone for a minute.”

Fresh tears trickled down Mrs. Wade’s cheeks as Bryce stepped aside to make the call. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she said in a pained whisper.

“I know and I’m so sorry,” Ellie said. “But we want to catch this man and bring Pixie home safely. When you see Mark, please explain our plan. He’s asleep now, and I don’t want to bother him again.” She paused. “I know friends will be calling to check on him and the two of you, but for now please don’t respond.”

“Anything to protect Mark. Come on, Sylvia,” Mr. Wade murmured. “Let’s go see him.”

Derrick returned as they disappeared down the hallway. “Kevin has several houses and properties for sale and rent.”

“Forward them to me and I’ll ask Deputy Eastwood and Deputy Landrum to start checking them out,” Ellie said, then explained her plan to protect Mark. “Maybe we should return to that warehouse. Kevin could be holding Mia there.”

“True,” Derrick said. “But I found something else. The Moons own another riverboat calledJesse’s. Kevin bought it after Jesse disappeared.”