While he waited, he returned to the conference room, took his seat again and looked up the birth certificate for Jesse Habersham. Two women by that name cropped up, but only one fitting the age he had.

Jesse Habersham, seven pounds, two ounces, nineteen inches long, born to parents Helen and Douglas Habersham, May 25 in Cumming, Georgia.

Mia/Jesse said she had no family so he searched death certificates next and found copies for Helen and Douglas Habersham. Both deceased on the same day.

Curious about how they’d died, he ran a search on them and found an article about their death.

Helen Habersham, age thirty-five, and Douglas Habersham, thirty-seven, died in a tragic accident during a storm on the Chattahoochee River, August 27. The couple were survived by daughters Jesse, age seven, and her sister Jo-Jo, age eleven.

Derrick drummed his fingers on the table. That was the connection. Jo-Jo was Jesse’s sister.


“I think you’re right, Shondra,” Ellie said. “I think Jesse was running from something. Agent Fox and I are going back to Red River Rock today to dig deeper. We suspect Jesse was afraid of someone there.”

“What about that woman they found in the barrel?” Landrum asked.

“I’m waiting on her ID. Dr. Whitefeather is there now assisting with the autopsy. Due to the state of the remains, it may take some time.” She inhaled. “This is what I need from you.”

Captain Hale signaled he wanted to say something. “I need Deputy Eastwood here to cover in town. What with all the tourists and the Memorial Day festivities, we can’t leave our own unguarded.”

Ellie knew he was right, although Shondra didn’t look pleased that he’d assigned her to the more routine tasks. But Landrum had been here longer and had rank. Besides, he was a techie and good at digging up information behind the scenes.

“Please go on,” Hale said.

Ellie nodded. “Red River Rock’s sheriff insisted the autopsy be performed there which makes me wonder if he’s hiding something. Bryce, why don’t you use your contacts and find out what you can on Kincaid?”

“Glad to.”

“Deputy Landrum, I’d like you to see what you can find out about Armond Moon. He and his son Kevin own most of Red River Rock.”

“Copy that,” Landrum replied.

Derrick raised a finger. “I know the connection between Mia and the Penningtons.”

Ellie gave him the seat. And?”

“Jo-Jo Pennington’s maiden name was Habersham. She and Jesse were sisters.”

Ellie made a clicking sound with her teeth. “That makes sense now, that she’d want her sister to have Pixie. Although according to Kevin, Jesse had no family. Mark said the same.”

“They could have been estranged,” Derrick suggested.

“Or she lied to Kevin and Mark,” Bryce said.

“Or Kevin Moon could have lied,” Deputy Landrum pointed out.

Ellie nodded. “Mia must not have known her sister and brother-in-law were dead. It fits that whoever killed the Penningtons was looking for Jesse.”

She turned to Shondra. “Go by Mia’s and collect Pixie’s toothbrush or hairbrush and get it to the lab. We need to find out if Kevin Moon is Pixie’s paternal father.”

“You think he’ll want custody if she is?” Shondra asked.

Ellie twisted her mouth in thought. “I have a feeling he will. All the more reason we dig deep into him and see if he had anything to do with Jesse’s disappearance and her sister and brother-in-law’s murders.” If he did, little Pixie could be in danger.