Ellie’s heart ached for him.

Just then, Mark’s parents strode toward her. “Are you going to tell us what’s happening?” Mrs. Wade asked.

Her accusatory tone set Ellie’s teeth on edge. “I was just about to make an announcement.” Ellie walked over to Lola and Emily and asked them to take Pixie aside.

They didn’t ask questions but took the child to the dessert table and let her choose a cookie before the staff began boxing them up. Then they disappeared into the foyer with benches overlooking the gardens.

Ellie stepped up to the podium reserved for the celebratory speeches. She felt sick that she was imparting this news on a day that was meant to be full of joy. “I’m sorry to have to inform everyone, but the bride is still missing. We suspect foul play.”

Gasps reverberated through the crowd. In the last two years, crime had escalated in the area, and just when the town of Crooked Creek was feeling safe, now this had happened and would trigger fear again.

Knowing she had to calm the guests, Ellie continued, “Teams are searching the property and river now. If you saw or heard anything suspicious, no matter how trivial it seems, please let me know. That said, you all are free to leave, but please stay in town in case we need to question you further.”

Frantic looks and whispers drifted through the room as the guests began to disperse. Ellie turned back to Mark and Liam. “Before you go, I need to see your hands.”

Mark’s eyes narrowed and Liam’s mouth curled into a scowl. “What for?” Mark asked.

“To check for gunshot residue.”

“I told you I’d never hurt Tori. I loved her,” Liam said, his expression full of angst.

“This is simply protocol,” Ellie assured them. “In order to eliminate you as a suspect, I have to verify there’s no gunpowder residue on your hands.”

Mark extended his hands. “Go ahead. I have nothing to hide.”

Liam jerked his hands toward her. “Neither do I. Instead of giving us a hard time, I’d think you’d be looking for whoever killed my wife.”

Ellie bit her tongue, then quickly checked their hands. She didn’t spot residue but would have Shondra swab their hands to make certain.


Mark Wade did not like the questions the detective was asking. As if she thought he might have done something to his beloved fiancée.

The argument he and Mia had had the other night haunted him. Sure, they’d made up, but she’d been acting off ever since. Quiet. Secretive.

He’d found a key that looked as if it belonged to a safety deposit box. But when he’d asked her about it, she’d said she’d stored copies of Pixie’s baby pictures inside for safekeeping. Then she’d changed the subject quickly.

He’d had the uncomfortable sense that she was lying.

Had she been having second thoughts?

He didn’t want to believe that.

And his mother had created tension. She’d always been nosy about his relationships and she’d drilled Mia to the point that he’d worried she’d drive her away.

He glanced at Liam. Liam had lied about not having problems with Tori. There had been rumors…

But surely there was nothing to them.

Another disturbing thought rattled him. Though they’d been together most of the day, Liam had disappeared for a few minutes after the pictures. When he’d shown up again in the groom’s room, he’d been winded, his face flushed. He’d also sensed tension between him and Tori last night at the rehearsal dinner. Mia said Tori was crying and she’d asked Liam about it, but he’d told her everything was fine.

Only nothing was fine. Tori was dead and Mia was gone.


Ellie saw local reporter Angelica Gomez fly into the room, her cameraman in tow. She dashed to her, determined to warn the tenacious journalist about what she could report and what was off the record.

Angelica tossed her dark hair over one shoulder, the red highlights shimmering. “I heard the bride is missing from Sheriff Waters,” Angelica said. “Is it true Tori James was murdered?”