Page 6 of Stolen Angels

“On it,” Captain Hale said. “I’ll alert the sheriff too, and he can get his deputies looking around town. Although if someone took the child, he or she could be long gone by now.”

Ellie nodded, a bad feeling pinching her gut as she raced from her office.Dear God, don’t let me fail this little girl. Especially at Christmas.

Every second in a child abduction counted.

As she jumped in her Jeep, her mind clicked off steps she needed to take. Gather information. Get a picture of Ava Truman on the news. Set up a timeline. Question the parents and neighbors.

With a deep breath, she flipped on her siren and drove toward the elementary school, the same one she’d attended as a child. She phoned Shondra, explained the situation and asked her to meet her at the school, then she called Derrick and filled him in.

“I’m on my way back to Crooked Creek,” he said. “I’ll alert all train stations, airports, bus stations and make sure her picture is entered in NCEMC.”

The National Center for Exploited and Missing Children would be helpful, Ellie agreed.

“What about the parents?” he asked.

“I don’t know the whole story yet, but I’m on my way to talk to the mother. I’ll keep you posted.” She hung up and turned into the school parking lot.

The ancient red-brick building had undergone a facelift since she was little, and she knew security measures had since been instigated to protect the students. The guard met her at the front entrance and within moments Shondra rolled up behind her, jumped out and jogged to the door.

“Thanks for coming so quickly,” the guard said. “The mother’s hysterical.”

“Understandable,” Ellie said. “Let us talk to her.”

He led them inside to the principal’s office and knocked. A middle-aged woman named Mrs.Remington ushered them in. “This is Lara Truman,” she said, although the introduction wasn’t necessary.

The pure terror in the way the young woman was pacing and crying, told Ellie she was Ava’s mother. She recognized her from the night before at the pageant, where she’d seen her smiling and waving to her child on stage.

A young brunette introduced herself as Ava’s teacher, Yvonne Lovett.

“Ava didn’t show up at all this morning?” Ellie asked.

Ms.Lovett shook her head. “Lara was supposed to bring cupcakes for the holiday party, so when the school didn’t reach her, I didn’t think much of it. I figured Ava wanted to ride to school with her mother.”

Ellie glanced at Lara, who was pulling at her blond hair. “I… can’t believe this is happening. You have to find her.”

“I already have my captain issuing an Amber Alert, Ms.Truman,” replied Ellie. “Do you have a photograph to circulate to the press and other law enforcement agencies?”

“Call me Lara. And yes… in my phone.” She pulled her cell phone from her pocket with shaking hands, then accessed her photos and showed one to Ellie. “This was her kindergarten picture,” she said, her breath rattling out.

Ellie took the woman’s cell and texted the picture to her phone, then forwarded it to Derrick and her captain. “Lara, what was Ava wearing this morning?”

She swallowed hard. “A white sweatshirt with a green felt tree appliqued on it with a string of lights that lit up. It’s like mine.” Her voice warbled. “I made it for her. She… wanted us to dress alike…”

Ellie fought her own emotions. “What else?”

“Black leggings and a red headband with sequins. And she had her backpack with her.”

“What color is the backpack?” Ellie asked.

Lara heaved a breath. “Neon green. It’s her favorite color.” She fidgeted. “It had bunnies on it. She’s kind of obsessed with bunnies.” She ran her fingers through her hair again. “Oh, and she took Bunny with her. She’s so attached to him, she never leaves him behind.”

“What color is the bunny?”

“Gray with white ears,” Lara said.

“What about a coat? Hat? Gloves?”

Lara’s face pinched with worry. “Yes, a bright orange puffy jacket and hat to match. I… don’t know if she had her gloves.” Her voice quivered. “Oh, God, her little hands will be so cold…”