He swallows, appreciation heavy in his eyes. Relief too.

“I never thought about doing that a single damn time. You’re my brother,” he says.

I squeeze his shoulder. “And you’re mine.”

“We’re actual family now, huh? Brother-in-law and all that?”

Choking on a laugh, I admit, “Never in a million years did I think I’d hear you say that.”

He blows a breath hard enough his cheeks puff up. “Hell no. It’s nice, though.”

Yeah, it is.



Liam squealswhen I push him on his backyard swing set. His giggle is by far one of the cutest things I’ve ever heard. I would bottle it up and save it for a rainy day if I could.

Amelia’s laugh was the same. So happy and bright and good for the soul. I used to think it meant she liked me best when I could get her to giggle as easily as I did when she was a toddler. It got to the point I convinced Dad to get me a joke book so that I had more material to use to get her to laugh with me. The age difference between us was hard sometimes—even now—but making her smile was never difficult because of that. It made me feel like a good big brother.

Maddox comes up beside me, shoulder to shoulder. Liam swings back, and I push him again.

“Do you still want kids, Coop?”


“So does Addie. But not yet.”

“I don’t think kids are on our radar right now,” I reply, back rigid. This isn’t a conversation I ever imagined having with Maddox, but it’s just as uncomfortable as I would have expected it to be.

“Well, are you okay with waiting until they are? She might not want to have kids for another five, ten years. That doesn’t bother you?”

“I’m not fifty. I can wait until we’re both ready. I’m not in a rush.”

He nods, apparently pleased with that answer. Liam shrieks when his dad pushes him higher than I was. “Good. I had to ask. Big-brother duties and all.”

“I know.”

“Gotta be honest here, man. I fully expected you to die an ink virgin. Seeing you with a tattoo is tripping me out a bit.”

I look down at my hand. “It’s so small you can barely see it unless you’re looking.”

“Doesn’t matter. Not only did Adalyn steal my best friend but also your tattoo cherry. I’m pretty jealous of my sister right now.”

I roll my eyes. “She didn’t steal me. Don’t you know how to share by now?”

“I do, but I’ve never been good at sharing my favourite toys.” He bumps my shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows when I look at him.

“I’m flattered,” I say, deadpan.

“Momma!” Liam yells, drawing our attention toward the patio door as it slides open. “Momma! Momma!”

Braxton steps outside and waves, a tired smile twisting her mouth. “Hey, baby!”

“Is she talking to me or the actual baby?” Maddox asks.

I laugh. “I’m going to say the actual baby.”