When it comes to recognizing what is love and what isn’t, I wish I was older and more experienced. I’ve never been in love with anyone before, but I’m smart enough to be able to tell that what I feel for Cooper is much more than a simple crush. The things I feel for him are intense. So intense that the thought of being without him for even the shortest amount of time hurts worse than any physical injury I’ve ever had.

I didn’t think twice about accepting his offer to move in with him, nor do I wish for even one second that we hadn’t drunkenly found ourselves married. It seems so silly, but there’s this part of me that wants to tell him to call off the annulment and to forget about a divorce if that’s what it came to.

Is being in love with someone wondering how you’d survive in a world without them by your side? Because if it is, then maybe I am in love with him already.

“That’s the look, sweetheart,” Scarlett says. When I glance across the room at her, the sure way she’s smiling at me confirms my suspicions.

“My mom is going to be so pissed she missed out on this gossip session,” I blurt out.

Beth releases a watery laugh. “As long as you go home and give her a recap, I’m sure she’ll forgive us.”

She would simply because her little matchmaker heart would be too happy for her to stay annoyed with me.

“My dad, on the other hand, can never hear about this conversation.” I wince.

“Our lips are sealed.” Beth pulls an imaginary zipper across her mouth.

The patio door slides open, and Cooper slips through, Adam close behind. Summer heat and the smell of chlorine from the backyard pool seep in with them.

The moment Cooper finds me, his lips part on a grin that steals my breath. It’s a smile that’s just for me, and I accept it with open arms.

“Ready to go?” he asks, hands in his pockets.

With one long glance at Beth and Scarlett, I nod, feeling content. “Ready.”

The next few minutes are a blur of tight hugs and kisses on cheeks. By the time Cooper helps me into his car, I’m buzzing, filled to the brim with love. I can’t help but stare at him when he slips into the car and starts the engine.

His jaw is cleanly shaven and so damn sharp that it should be criminal. He’s put his glasses on sometime in the night, and fuck my life, I’ve never met someone who could look so hot in a pair of glasses before.

Buckling my seat belt, I say, “You look like a porn star in those glasses.”

His laugh fills the room, the sound choked. “I still haven’t gotten used to your lack of filter.”

“My own personal dirty professor,” I tease. “When are your office hours, sir?”

“If you want to play, love, at least wait until we get home.”

Squeezing my thighs together, I push aside the sudden throb of arousal between them and say, “Have I ever told you how much I love it when you call me that? For a while there, I was scared I was never going to get a pet name like everyone else.”

His throat moves with a swallow. “Why would you want to be like everyone else? You’re beyond a simple pet name, but I can’t seem to help myself anymore.”

The honesty renders me speechless as we pull away from his dad’s house. I’m not a big book reader, but Ivy is, and I’m pretty sure Cooper is what she would consider a man written by a woman. He turns me into a puddle of mush without even trying. One honest, sweet statement and I’m ready to crawl across the centre console and beg him to take me in the middle of the road.

“Was that the wrong thing to say?” he asks after another few beats of silence.

“No. God, no. You said everything right. That’s the problem.”

He glances at me. “I’m confused.”

“You’re not supposed to say things like that to me after such an incredible night, when I’m already on cloud nine, and expect me not to want to tell you to pull over and fuck me in the back seat,” I huff.

The car swerves as he curses and then quickly pulls us back into the proper lane. I push my hair behind my ears and bite back a laugh.

“You okay over there?” I ask.

His grip tightens on the steering wheel, but when he looks at me again, it’s not anger or frustration I see in his eyes. It’s desire.

“I had plans for you tonight, but apparently, we’re going to change them,” he mutters. I watch as he reaches toward the touch screen on the dash and turns the stereo volume down, confusion sparking in my mind. “Pull your dress up, take your panties off, and then hand them to me.”