Wifey: Do you still remember how to skate?

I type a quick reply, suddenly antsy to go to her.

Me: I’m a bit rusty.

My heart rate picks up when I see she’s typing back already.

Wifey: Lucky for you I’m a pro. Meet me here?

Me: What skatepark are you at?

She sends me a photo of the sign near the entrance.

Me: Be there in ten.

And then I put the car in drive.



Cooper wasn’t kiddingwhen he said he was a bit rusty. He’s gripping my shoulders tight as he stands on the borrowed board, his helmet clunking my forehead when he stares down at his feet.

“Just try rocking back and forth a bit. Test how much sway this board has,” I say, stifling a laugh.

He glares at me but begins to softly rock. After a while, I take a step back, forcing his hands to fall from my shoulders as he sets his right foot on the ground and gives himself a push. His footing is awkward, but for someone who hasn’t skateboarded in a while and who just moments ago couldn’t sway without grabbing me, it’s a win.

The pink elbow and kneepads I forced him to wear make his concentrated expression all that much more adorable.

“You’ve got it now,” I praise when he picks up his stride.

Letting my board fall to the pavement from where I hold it upright with the toe of my sneaker, I push up beside him, matching his pace.

“You’re praising me like a child who just learned how to walk,” he mutters before switching his feet so his lead foot is in the back. “I just needed to get warmed up, is all.”

“Okay, I believe you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“You’re right. You’ll have to prove it to me.”

I blow him a kiss and push off my board harder, taking off past him. The wind ruffles the loose hairs hanging out of my ponytail as I whip my head around and wiggle my fingers at his shrinking figure.

Making sure he’s watching, I crouch and pop my board off the ground before kicking it into a spin and landing back down.

“You’re a show-off!” he shouts.

He’s picking up speed now, so I slow down enough to close the gap. “Don’t be jealous, old man.”

“There are too many people here for me to put you over my knee, Adalyn,” he says when our boards fit side by side.

“People have never stopped us before,” I tease.

Leaning his body over the gap between us, he cups my face and waist and brings me in for a quick kiss. My heart stills in my chest before taking off again. It’s such a silly cheese-fest of a move, but it doesn’t matter.

Voices carry over from where the other people at the skate park are watching, most likely taking photos to post online.Let them.

Let them take their pictures and talk about how lame it is to kiss in public. I’ll make sure to leave a comment thanking them after stealing the photos for myself.