“You okay?” I ask softly, kissing his cheek and jaw.

“More than.”

His lips brush over my throat as he kisses me there before doing the same to my cheek and, finally, my lips. My chest grows warm as he kisses me lazily, like he’s in no rush. As if he’s perfectly content sitting here, kissing me like this for hours.

If that’s what he wanted to do, I wouldn’t have a single complaint. I’ve never felt calmer than I do right now. More at peace. That has to mean something, right?

Something I don’t think the both of us are ready to acknowledge quite yet. Even if we’re growing closer to that point with each day we spend together.



Wakingup in bed with Adalyn wrapped around me for the first time is everything I expected it to be. Happiness in its purest form.

I assumed I was missing out on something great every time I chose my bed instead of hers, but we needed that boundary to keep things from escalating between us. However, now, I’m thrilled we demolished that damn line I drew in the sand. It was only a matter of time before Adalyn dragged her foot through it, anyway.

Her breath fans my chest as I press my face into her hair and kiss her crown. She smells like her shampoo—the stuff she bought in Paris. Her roots are darker now than they were weeks ago, and some of the pastel colours have begun to wash away. I wonder what colour she’ll dye it this time or whether she’ll leave it for a while.

Running my fingers through the strands, I hear her sigh, cheek nuzzling my pec. Fingernails drift over my abdomen when she stretches out, waking up.

“Have you just been lying here smelling my hair?” she asks, voice heavy with sleep.


A soft laugh escapes her. “Smell away, Sparrow.”

I take a loud sniff, wanting to hear that laugh again. When I do, I feel it slide into my memory.

“Are you really going to see my dad today?”

“I doubt he would appreciate me backing out now. It will be fine. He just has questions he wants me to answer.”

“And threats he’s dying to make. You know, the whole ‘hurt my daughter and face my wrath’ thing. I love my dad, but he’s been scaring boys away from the time I was a little girl.”

“It’s a good thing I’m a man, then, isn’t it?”

She huffs, moving away from my chest to prop herself up on her pillow. I frown at the loss of contact.

“I’m not kidding here. He’s going to tell you to break it off with me before things get serious.”

Is that her way of saying what we have isn’t serious? If so, that’s an incredible attempt at downplaying our relationship.

“Is marriage not serious enough?”

“Of course it is. What I mean is, other than what you said at the table yesterday, they don’t know that we’re . . .”

“In like with each other?” I fill in her blanks.

“Is that what this is? Do welikelike each other?” She waggles her brows, eyes bright and clear.

I lean close and flick the space between her brows. “Yes, we do. I’m too old to beat around the bush when it comes to what I feel. What we’re doing is risky, but I think what we have is worth it, and I want to explore what it could look like in the real world.”

“Even if it means you wind up roadkill beneath my dad’s truck tires?”

I move in to kiss her but stop just before our lips meet to whisper, “Yes, love. Even then.”

* * *