“Did you call me to laugh at me? Because I was expecting you to tell me how disappointed you were in me.”

“Disappointed? Is that what Oakley said to Adalyn?”

I glance over my shoulder at the open balcony door and the woman talking animatedly into the phone at her ear on the couch. Her eyes lack the shine they’ve had during this trip, and that alone is enough to make a wave of protectiveness wash over me.

“I don’t know what he’s said. They’re talking right now.”

“Well, depending on what you plan on doing with this new marriage, I don’t think I’m disappointed in you.Doyou know what you’re going to do?”

“I emailed your lawyer the morning after it happened to try and find someone to help.”

“So, you don’t want to stay married?”

A tight feeling grows in my chest at his question, and my lack of immediate response is a terrible sign.Nois the only plausible answer. But it feels like the wrong one.

“I don’t think we should,” I choose to say instead. “If I’m going to be married, it should be with someone I love.”

“Usually, yes.”

I scrunch my brows. “What do you mean usually? You don’t marry a woman on a whim, let alone one who’s ten years younger than you and your best friend’s sister, without loving her.”

“I agree, but you’re already married. Accidentally, yes. But still married.”

“I don’t get your point. You know better than I do her family won’t accept this. And she deserves better. A real husband and a real wedding.”

“Who’s to say that can’t happen for her with you?”

I choke on a laugh. “Stop playing matchmaker for five minutes and actually think about what you’re suggesting.”

“You should have heard him on the phone with Ava this morning! I thought they were going to start house hunting for the two of you already,” Scarlett yells in the background.

“Not true. We didn’t know where you would want to live, so we decided to hold back on the hunting for now,” Dad corrects her.

“Jesus Christ,” I mumble, shaking my head.

“See? Not the entire Hutton family hates your guts. Ava couldn’t be more thrilled with the news. Although, we’re both obviously a little upset we weren’t there.”

“Dad, please. If you don’t have actual advice for me, I’m going to hang up.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just excited. It’s not every day my son marries my best friend’s daughter.”

I hate that I can understand where he’s coming from. I can’t be a people pleaser right now. “Well, enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Have you thought about just letting things run their course? Like maybe seeing where it could go with her? This could be a blessing in disguise,” he says, sounding far too hopeful.

“That’s exactly what I’ve been doing the past week, and now every person who’s ever heard the last name Hutton is well aware of what you consider a blessing. Everything is going to change now.”

And I’m terrified. The blowback from this will be devastating. For both of us. It was fun playing pretend, but now we’re back in the real world.

“Maybe you’ll end up falling in love, and you’ll have just saved a shit load of time by already being married. Yes, a lot will change now, but it doesn’t have to be for the worst. The Hutton men will get over themselves and forgive you both. Ava will make sure of it.”

“I’m not sure Ava can protect me from Maddox. Oakley, maybe, but Maddox is different. He won’t forgive me.”

“Have you talked to him yet?”

“We’ve only been up for an hour. You’re the first person I’ve talked to.”

“Maybe it’s smart to let him cool off a little before talking to him, anyway. What’s the plan for you newlyweds now? Has this ruined your trip?”