He laughs quietly. “A different word. That one will do the opposite of stop me. Especially when you say it like that.”
It’s hard to think about anything besides how badly I want this. With each tweak of my nipples, it’s growing harder to keep quiet. I feel like I could burst, the stimulation almost too much.
“Skateboard,” I rush out.
He nods. “Good. Now, stop touching yourself and place your hands in your lap.”
With a frown, I reluctantly drop my hands, folding them over my tense thighs. It’s easier to breathe now as my blood stops boiling, settling on a simmer instead.
“Is there anything else on your list that you haven’t told me yet?” he asks.
“Okay.” Nodding, he reaches for his belt and begins unbuckling it. He moves it slowly through each loop on his pants as if trying to tease me, but I only grow more excited than frustrated. “The first rule is no sex.”
“What do you mean?” I sputter, eyes wide.
“I can show you everything on your list without having sex with you.”
“Are you kidding? Is this your attempt at blue balling me? Because if so, you’re a royal asshole.”
His lips lift into a subtle smile. “No. I just want to keep the line clear. Sex will complicate things even more than they are now.”
“I don’t accept these terms.”
He shrugs. “Then we don’t continue.”
My stomach sours. “Do you not want to? Am I not your type or something?”
He looks down his body, and I do the same, finding the thick ridge of him pressing against his slacks. My already shaky resolve threatens to disappear completely.
“It’s not a matter of whether I want to. You’re every man’s type. Mine included. But we just can’t,” he says.
“You say that now. But you can always change your mind.”
“I could. But it won’t happen.”
The messed-up part of my brain that turns everything into a dare flickers to life. He can say that he won’t give in, but I think he’s just afraid to admit to himself that he’s wrong. I don’t go down without a fight.
“Fine. Can we start now?”
“So impatient,” he coos, smoothing a hand over his hair.
“You would be, too, if I had you stroking your dick for ten minutes only to tell you to stop before you got off.”
Desire sparks in his stare. “Is that how good it feels for you when you play with your nipples? The equivalent of me stroking myself?”
I exhale shakily. “Yes. The piercings made them sensitive enough that I’ve almost come from just nipple play.”
“Almost? You never have?”
Oh God.Would he— “No.”
“That should have been on your list.”
“Oops, my bad. It actually is. Let’s not forget to cross it off.” I smirk.
He rolls his eyes before stepping closer. I part my legs on instinct, and he moves between them. Holding still, I watch him wet his lips before cautiously bringing his hand up to cup my cheek. It’s an innocent enough touch, but I’m too damn horny to think about it rationally. Instead, my body screams at me for release, and the words just tumble out.