“Are you drunk?”

“Off one cocktail?” I snort. He doesn’t so much as blink. “No, old man. I’m not drunk. Not in the slightest.”

His stare darkens ever so slightly at the name, and I shiver beneath it. He undoes the final button on his shirt and then shrugs it off, carefully draping it over the back of the desk chair before saying, “Tell me what’s on your list.”

“My list . . .” I trail off, eyes wandering.

His chest is bare. So perfectly bare. It’s not the first time I’ve seen him half-naked on this trip, but it must be the tension in the air tonight because holy fuck. He’s sexy as hell.

While most of the guys I know have perfectly chiselled, hard-as-stone abs lining their stomachs, Cooper doesn’t. He’s just a wall of pure strength, no abs needed. Spackled with a dusting of dark hair, his torso is hard and wide. Shoulders thick, waist trim. I want to drag my hand up and down, side to side. Want to learn the feel of him and beg him to explore me in return.

I was wrong when I said I wasn’t drunk. I am, but not on alcohol—on lust.Good god, I’m lust drunk.



“Adalyn.Your list. What’s on it?”

I gulp, forcing my eyes up. He’s watching me with a coy smile, and I pull one leg in front of the other, the throb between them becoming nearly unbearable. When his stare falls to watch me squeeze them together, I bite the inside of my cheek to keep a beg from slipping out.He would love that too much.

A muscle flutters in his jaw as his eyes caress my bare legs. My heart flutters at that look, at the pure approval dripping from it.

“Once I tell you, you can’t pretend you don’t know. The knowledge of what I want will be there forever,” I tell him softly, carefully.

A heavy pause and then, “Go on.”

Nerves make my skin warm, but I refuse to let it stop me now. Pulling my shoulders back, I take three confident steps toward him, leaving only an arm’s length between us.

“The idea of sex in public turns me on, and I think I want to try it. I want someone to choke me hard enough I see stars, and . . .” I pause, my heart thumping hard and fast as I fight to keep eye contact. My next words are shaky. “Anal. I’m curious if I might like it, but I’m scared I won’t.”

Cooper’s expression visibly shudders when I finish. The silence smothers us. Seconds pass, each one making my nerves multiply in my stomach.

“That’s quite the list.” His voice is strained, pulled tight.

I swallow, nodding.

He clears his throat. “You mentioned a favour. I’m assuming that this list is what you had in mind.”

I nod again.

“I can’t help you with this.”

The blood drains from my face as I stand in front of him, feeling so damn vulnerable. My deepest wants and desires are on full display for him, and his dismissal—although the slightest bit excepted—cuts deep. But I refuse to feel embarrassed just as much as I refuse to ignore the desire I saw in his eyes just seconds ago.

“If this is because of my brother, I don’t accept your refusal. We’re already married, Cooper.Married! And until we sign either an annulment or a divorce, it’s going to stay that way. What better way to learn how to appear intimate with each other than actuallybeingintimate,” I argue, my voice growing in strength with each sentence.

“It’s more than just your brother. It’s your entire family. I don’t think when they told me to keep you safe on this trip that they meant for me to touch and fuck you in all the ways you’re wanting. We may be married, but you’re my friend first. And as your friend, I’m telling you that this isn’t a smart move.”

I must be too far gone in a fog of lust because my ears snag on the way he says fuck, like he’s almost angry at the word, and keeps it on replay in my head.

“You say that as if they won’t already be pissed at us for getting married. Plus, who’s going to tell them about this? Me? You?Nobodyis going to tell anyone.” I can see the indecisiveness in his stare as I lift my chin and deliver my final blow, hoping it blasts apart the last of his stubborn refusal. “And as my friend, you would be the best person to help me. If it’s not you, then I’ll have to ask someone else, and I don’t trust people easy, so who knows if I’ll just eventually want to experiment so bad that I just go rogue? By the time I can’t wait anymore, maybe I’ll just take someone home from a club one night and—”


The world stills. “What?”

His eyes flash as he slips them over my body, interest snagging on my chest—on my nipples—for the briefest second.