“Cooper.” It’s a breathless plea, but the reality of what I want from him right now might push him away. It’s completely out of bounds. Terrifying, even. But I can’t help it, can’t change how I’m feeling or the ideas flaring to life in my brain.

He squeezes my fingers and stops retreating, as if he can tell that I’m freaking out a little inside.

“Relax, Addie.”

I take a deep breath and zone into the spread of his hands as they drift across my stomach, using the soft touch to ground me. I’m brave and strong and courageous. This is nothing. Asking him to do this is simple. Right?

Ripping off the Band-Aid, I lean up and say, “You owe me a favour, remember?”

He hums low in his throat. “I do, you wing bandit.”

“I have a list! A list of all the dirty things I’ve never done and want to. Things I don’t trust anyone enough to do with me!” I shout, loud enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if my words carried over the music.

Seconds tick by with no response. My stomach curls into itself, rejection a knife to my pride. But just as I’m about to tell him I was just kidding and prepare to beg him to forget what I said, he draws his body from mine and quite literally drags me out of the club.

* * *

“Are you going to say anything?”I ask, unable to stand any more of this weird silence.

It’s been twenty minutes since Cooper tore through the club with me in tow. He hailed a cab and didn’t utter a single word the entire way back to the hotel. The elevator ride is beyond awkward as I stare at my reflection in the mirrors on the walls, annoyed by how damn frustrated I look.

I wonder if I should be embarrassed about what I said back there, but I’m not. If anything, it feels good to get that off my chest and tell someone for once.

I’ve wanted to experiment sexually for a couple of years now. There’s something about pushing myself in that sense that makes my blood boil with intrigue. I’ve never had anyone to try the things I’m curious about with before. Nobody I’ve trusted enough. Until now, obviously.

I may only be twenty-one, but I’m damn old enough to know that I don’t want boring vanilla sex with guys whose main concern is their pleasure and not so much mine for the rest of my life. It may scare the shit out of immature man-babies, but there’s nothing wrong with a woman who knows what she wants, sexually or otherwise.

“If you’re ignoring me because you’re planning how to tell me that I shouldn’t want to explore things or that I’m too young and don’t know what I want, so help me, Cooper, I will rip your dick off and sho—”

“I wasn’t going to say any of that.”

I cross my arms and lean against the wall as the elevator climbs. “Great. So, what is it, then?”

“We’re not having this conversation in an elevator, nor were we going to in a crowded club.”

“I don’t remember giving you permission to tell me what to do.”

A deep, rough laugh escapes him as he crooks a brow at me. The air around us stills, the space growing tight. It’s a struggle not to back down from his intense stare, but I hold my own.

“This is exactly why we’re having this conversation in our room,” he says.

“So, you can bully me into taking it back? Because that’s not going to happen, Sparrow.”

“You’re fucking stubborn.”

I flash my teeth. “And proud of it.”

The elevator dings, and the doors open. I wait for Cooper to step out first, but he ushers me through the doors before following behind. Once we reach the room, he slips the key card into the door and swings it open. I drop my purse on a nearby bench seat and kick off my shoes.

“First of all,” he starts, drawing my attention. I find him sitting on the edge of his bed, knees spread, fingers tugging at the buttons of his shirt. “A conversation like this doesn’t happen in public. Especially not when you shout something like that for everyone to hear.”

His fingers fall to the fourth button, exposing more of his chest, all while never taking his eyes off me. They’re different tonight, and I’m a total fool for hoping it’s me that sparked that change.

“I didn’t shout it for everyone. Just you and whoever else managed to pick it up,” I correct him.

“What did I tell you about that smart mouth?” he mutters.

Excitement buzzes through me. “I don’t remember.”