There were a handful more boys after that, but nothing ever serious. I was just a timepiece for them. The model with a famous family. They weren’t worth my time, and I never hesitated to cut them loose when I started to recognize that.

Plus, when a guy thinks your clit is somehow on your pussy lip and refuses your help to find its real location, is there really a reason to stay with him?

Cooper seems like he could find it with his eyes closed. In all honesty, I would put money down on his ability to make a woman come in two minutes flat if he really wanted to. My vibrator is the only thing that’s ever been able to succeed with that.

Maybe I’m off base with that belief, but something tells me I’m not.Not in the slightest.

“Do you want to dance?” I blurt out, staring at the bodies drifting across the club.

“I’m not much of a dancer.”

“I can teach you.”

He blows out a soft laugh, and I can’t help but look at him, catching his subtle smile. “Will that make you happy?”

“Very.” Wings flap in my tummy.

“Alright,” he says and then presses his hand to my spine, nodding for me to slip out of the booth. “I’m trusting you not to let me look like an idiot out there.”

I flash him a toothy grin. “Never.”

He stays close as I lead us to the dance floor, his front to my back, arms nearly wrapped around me in a protective embrace. I feel almost invincible in this crowd of people, like nobody could touch me with Cooper here.

I jerk backward when a tall man spins in front of me, eyes bulging when he notices me standing so close behind him. It doesn’t take long for him to recover, and I paint on a smile when he doesn’t immediately move out of the way.

“Je ne veux pas être trop direct, mais tu es la plus belle chose que je n’ai jamais vue,” he says, shouting over the music. I barely hear him, let alone understand him, but he doesn’t seem to care.

I shake my head, about to tell him that I don’t speak French when Cooper’s voice rumbles at my back, making me pause.

“Si tu parles encore une fois à ma femme, je vais te casser les dents.”

A shiver travels down my spine, but I don’t know if it’s from the demanding, rough sound of the words or the fact Cooper speaks French fluently enough to say them. Fingertips press into my hip as a warm hand envelops my side. My toes curl into my shoes at the possessive gesture, a moan almost slipping out.

The man in front of us doesn’t hide his surprise well and raises his hands apologetically before disappearing into the crowd. I give in to the urge and press back against the wall of muscle behind me, exhaling at the new feeling.

He leans over my shoulder, his lips so close to my ear that I feel his breath skitter across it. “Keep walking, Adalyn.”

My nod is as shaky as my knees. I take a few more steps forward before stopping again, this time directly beneath the racks of glowing lights hanging from the ceiling. It’s warm in the club, but it’s almost unbearable amongst the throng of dancing people.

The bass pulses at my feet, and the energy around us is intoxicating. My blood zips through my veins, and I reach for Cooper before I can think twice about it, wanting him closer, the hand on my hip not enough. Grasping his wrist, I pull him flush to my back and rest my head against his shoulder, encouraging him to sway side to side with me.

His movements are jerky, making me swallow a giggle. Is he nervous or embarrassed?

“You’re too tense,” I tell him, eyes locked on the thick cords of his throat as he swallows.

Cautiously, he palms the opposite side of my waist with his other hand. My eyes fall shut as his fingers splay over my hip and his thumb twirls circles over my dress. His touch is electric, burning my body, and I must be a masochist because I ache for more of the feeling.

“You’re tense too,” he mutters.

I almost laugh but turn my face into his chest instead, saying, “If you relax, I’ll relax. We’re supposed to be married, yet we couldn’t look any further from it.”

“I shouldn’t be touching you like this at all. If your brother were here—”

“Shouldn’t or don’t want to?” I cut him off, twirling my hips in a cautious motion, not wanting to scare him off. He doesn’t reply. Doesn’t move away. “My brother isn’t here right now. It’s just us and a fuck ton of strangers. Whatever inner battle you’re fighting right now,pleaselet it go.”

I move my hips again, this time pushing back against him. My breath catches, heart coming to a thudding stop when I feel the length of him against my ass. Heat slips over me, covering me from head to toe, arousal sparking from my every nerve ending. Like he’s dropped a lit match on my gasoline-soaked insides, I burst into a giant flame of want.For him.

But then, as if suddenly noticing exactly what I’m feeling, he tries to pull back. I’m quick to cover his hands with mine, lacing our fingers.