I pullmy fist to my mouth and force a cough to hide my laugh for the third time since the waiter arrived at our table. Adalyn has the poor guy fumbling over himself trying to make conversation with her. Wide, infatuated brown eyes watch her closely, so focused I wonder what it would take for him to look away. A fire at his feet, perhaps?

Adalyn is smiling brightly at him as she waves her hand animatedly and tells him all about our plans for tomorrow, but her cheek is dimple-free. That’s the only reason I haven’t told him to leave and let this conversation continue.

I promised Oakley I would keep her safe, and no offense to this guy, but as innocent as he may look, I’m not naïve.

“I’m serious. Give me your favourites. I didn’t come all the way here to eat something safe. Step outside of the box with me tonight, Adrián,” she says.

He turns a deep shade of red. “Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll put that through for you.”

Addie giggles, shaking her head when he turns around to leave. “Do you want to ask my dinner companion what he wants to eat tonight before you go?” she calls, drawing his attention again.

“How generous of you to remember I’m here, Adalyn,” I murmur for only her to hear. She nudges my foot beneath the table.

“Right,” Adrián breathes, looking at me for only the second time since we sat down. At least he seems apologetic. Or maybe it’s just embarrassment that has him so fidgety. “What can I get you, sir?”

I make a show of slowly closing my menu before extending a hand to Addie, taking hers as well. As I hold them out for him, I hear Adalyn’s soft laugh and smirk to myself. If she gets to have her fun, then so do I.

“Give me whatever my date is having. Please and thank you.”

He blanches, coughing to hide his noise of surprise. “Right. Right away.”

I glance at Adalyn, curious as to how she’s planning on reacting to my comment. When I find her grinning at me, dimple out, I notch a daring brow, surprising myself.

“Date? Don’t tell me you forgot about our conversation already. We are over,” she tells me, grin replaced by a look of fake annoyance.

“I didn’t forget. I’m simply pretending it never happened.”

“Of course.Pretending is your specialty, after all,” she hisses.

I swallow a laugh and fight to keep my lips flat in a scowl, curious as to how far she’ll take this act. “How could you say that, pumpkin? I never pretend with you.”

Her mask almost cracks right then, but somehow, she keeps her amusement locked down enough to up the ante. “How can you say that when you haven’t asked me to role-play in months? Iknowyou have problems getting hard unless I’m in my bunny suit, so what gives? Are you sleeping with someone else on the side?” She gasps, fingers tapping her lips. “Did you find someone else to call Little Wabbit?”

My breath explodes out of me, spit getting lodged in my throat. The sharp inhales from the people around us and the crash from someone dropping a glass nearby don’t help any as I cough, face suddenly on fire.

It’s Adalyn’s laugh that I focus on in the midst of my coughing fit, and I narrow my eyes on her, even as I find it hard not to laugh along. There are tears wetting the skin beneath her eyes, but she’s quick to use a napkin to dab them away.

“You don’t want to go up against me, Sparrow. I was born without a filter, and I haven’t wanted one once in my life,” she says.

“You make it seem as if I don’t already know that.”

She sets her elbow on the table and rests her cheek in her palm. “I’m going to loosen you up on this trip. That’s a promise.”

“Should I be scared?”

She doesn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

Nodding, I lean back in my seat and look away from her. Adrián is long gone and we’re no longer the centre of attention. I should feel guilty for the scene we just made, but it’s hard when I have Adalyn across from me. She’s not the least bit concerned about the judgment of others, and I can’t help but think that maybe she’ll make good on her promise after all.



The next morning,I wake to the smell of strong coffee and the sound of someone dropping something heavy onto the floor. Groaning, I turn onto my side and block out the sun trying to bleed through my eyelids.

I’m not a morning person. I never have been. And today is no different. My mood immediately sours as I wake further and check the time on my phone. 7:00 a.m.

“Cooper!” I shout before burying my face in my pillow.