His laugh is loud, carefree. It makes me grin, joining in as the cab driver glances at us from the rear-view mirror with an amused roll of his eyes.

Cooper sniffs, composing himself after another few moments of laughter. “Note to self: make sure not to need medical attention if I’m alone with you. Got it.”

“You’re a quick learner,” I tease. “And what about you? Do you know first aid?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable teaching without it. Especially with young kids.”

“Ever had to use it on someone?” I blurt out.

He doesn’t look surprised by my question, but he does frown, the slightest haunted look travelling across his features. “Only once, back when I was teaching at the elementary school. A third grader was dared to see if he could swallow a loonie, and no surprise, he couldn’t. The coin got lodged in his throat, and by the time I got it free, he was passed out. Luckily, CPR worked fast.”

“I’m sorry.”

His frown flips slightly as he smiles appreciably. It’s totally for my benefit, but I accept it without a word. “Thank you, but it all turned out okay. I’m happy I was able to help. We had a school nurse, but at least we didn’t have to wait for her to get to us.”

Because I can’t seem to leave anything alone, I keep pushing for information. “Was it scary?”

A beat of silence and then, “Yeah. There’s nothing comforting about holding somebody’s life in your hands, especially a child’s. Amelia was so small back then, and all I could think of waswhat if this were her?”

“You’re a good man, Cooper,” I tell him, reaching across the carry-on bags between us to pat his knee. “I’ve always known I was safe with you. You exude this protector type of vibe.”

He chokes on a laugh. “Is that so?”

“Mmhmm. It’s like a mutually known fact about you. Tinsley once called you Big Daddy C, but Noah told her if she ever said it again, you would be Dead Daddy C.”

Brown eyes focus on me, humour making them look a few shades lighter than usual. “No surprise there. I’m assuming she never uttered that name again.”

“Not in front of my brother, at least,” I say slyly.

Tinsley and I have been calling him that for years behind closed doors. It’s one of our most well-kept secrets. My closest friend from childhood is three years older than me, but our ages have never meant a damn thing to either one of us.

As the only two girls in a massive group of friends and family, we stuck together. I used to wish she were my older sister. Of course, that was before Noah decided to butt his big head in and try to take her from me. It only worked to some extent—much to his displeasure. My brother hates to share, but when it comes to Tiny, I took that choice from him with my tongue out.

It’s been a couple of months since I’ve last seen her, but as soon as I’m back from this trip, I’ll be going out to Ontario to see both her and Noah, considering the douche moved out there to be with her two years ago.

In a perfect world, she would have joined me on this trip when Ivy cancelled, but with her boxing career taking off, it wouldn’t have been a good fit time-wise.

Maybe that was a blessing in disguise. I can’t say I’m regretting bringing Cooper with me so far.

“You and Tiny have always been a dangerous pair,” he says.

“I’m sure she would love the compliment as much as I do.”

Dropping an arm to his bag, he shakes his head, smiling. “I’m sure she would.”

The small cab comes to an abrupt stop, and I startle, surprised to find us already at our rental. My lips spread into an excited grin when I look out the window.

Our rental is a small house with a burnt-orange brick porch and two sets of glass patio doors leading inside. Potted plants line the walkway, and a sunshade hangs over a small portion of the front lawn. The roof is sloped enough to showcase the two skylights that, from the pictures I saw, should be directly above the main living space.

Cute and quaint. That’s what I thought when I saw it online. Well, that, andis that a pool?

Tearing my eyes from the house, I find Cooper staring past me, doing the same inspection I just was.

“Ready to go?” I ask.

He flicks his eyes to me, and he grins, making him look boyish for a change. I make a silent promise to myself to see him smile like that a hundred more times on this trip.

“I’m ready. Show me what you have planned for me, Adalyn.”