“No. You should text your husband and ask where he is. I’ll cover for you,” Ivy says, giving me a soft push.

I flash a grateful smile and nod. “Thank you.”

She kisses my cheek and saunters toward the group of women, long legs eating up the space. She may not have dressed up in sequins and sparkles like Seb and me, but she shines bright enough on her own. Eyes are drawn to her wherever she goes.

A touch to my bicep has me looking up at Seb as he says, “I’m going to mingle. Come find me when your man arrives.”

“Okay. Have fun.”

He turns and greets a couple who just walked inside, turning on his dazzling charm. I leave him with them and slip into a quieter corner of the living room before texting Cooper.

Me: Almost here? I miss you.

His reply is instant, and I’m smiling as the message pops up on my screen.

Hubby: In the hallway.

A thousand wings flap in my stomach as I quickly pocket my phone in my clutch and head for the door. The following knock signals his arrival just a beat before I’m there, pulling it open.

My mouth goes dry as I stare at him. Atmyman. He stares right back, those pretty eyes of his slipping all over me from head to toe. I grin wide enough my cheeks burn, unable to keep my happiness at bay.

“I missed you too,” he says softly, pulling his hands from the pockets of his black pants.

I don’t wait for him to open his arms before I walk toward him and pull him in for a kiss. His lips part on mine instantly, a breathy groan slipping from between them. Hands cup my cheeks with the ghost of a touch, as if he’s aware of how long I spent in a makeup chair today and doesn’t want to ruin anything.

One day apart was all it took to have me missing him this intensely. It’s almost scary to imagine how I might be if we were to be apart for longer than that. Maybe it isn’t healthy to love someone this much, but I’ve never been much of a health nut.

“Come in,” I breathe.

With his eyes still shut, he traces my bottom lip with his thumb. “You look beautiful. Stunning, really.”

My cheeks grow warm. “Thank you.” I pinch the open collar of his royal blue button-up, rolling it between my fingers. “I love this. I’m about to have the most handsome date here.”

“It matches your eyes.” He says it so casually, like it’s second nature for him to match his clothes to the colour of my eyes.

“You’re going to make me emotional and horny if you keep it up. Are you ready to make your grand entrance?”

After stealing another kiss, he taps my nose and slides his arm around me, tucking me into his side. “Yes.”

We shut the door and move inside the penthouse. I’m the slightest bit nervous as I keep an eye on Cooper, waiting for him to tell me he doesn’t want to do this the further into the crowd we get.

“I promise that it’s not always this overwhelming. Sebastian is just really popular in Vancouver.”

His fingers rub my bare arm reassuringly. “How many shoots have you done for Champagne?”

“Six. We have another two booked, but they aren’t for a couple of months.”

“And they treat you right? With respect?”


“Then these parties can be as overwhelming as they please. I’ll be here for every single one of them as long as I get to spend the night with you. So, relax, love. I’m not going to run out of here,” he says.

I nod, sighing. “Okay.”

“Do you always spend the day out before these parties?” There’s not even a hint of judgment in his question, just simple curiosity. Fuck, that’s nice.

“Not always. Ivy threw me a little bit of a newlywed brunch. It was really thoughtful. I think I ate far too many pancakes, though.”