I don’t even have to think about it. Of course I’ll go with her. Regardless of my limited past with public events, I would never turn down a chance to spend time with her. Especially not when she’s nearly vibrating on my lap, excitement rolling off her in waves.

“I’d love to come,” I say.

“I can’t wait.” She grins and proceeds to drown me in kisses.

And for the second time, I don’t tell her that we’re not really married. I can’t get myself to ruin this moment. Fuck.I’m doomed.

* * *

I wakethe next morning to a cold, empty bed. Pushing up to sit, I look frantically around the room, taken aback by the bright stream of sun that slips over the bed. I’m never up after the sun has risen this high.

The tension leaches from my bones when I see a small, pink Post-it note on Adalyn’s pillow. It’s folded carefully, perfectly in half, almost missable amongst her fluffy pink pillow.

I open it and read it with a sleepy smile.

Good morning, handsome. Yes, I turned your alarm off because if I’m going to be keeping you up late tonight, I figured you’re too old to be able to do that without sleeping in. I have a day of pampering planned, so I’ll see you tonight.

I love you,

Xoxo Addie

Nerves fill my stomach, and my smile falls. Another day without coming clean. I scrape a hand down my face and groan. There’s no way I can go to this party with her thinking we’re married. The last thing I want is to embarrass her by introducing us to her colleagues as husband and wife, only to have to break the truth to everyone later on.

God, I’m an asshole. A selfish, greedy asshole. I’m always putting everyone else first, and now is when I decide to do the exact opposite of that?

With another inner scolding, I force myself out of bed and toss a shirt on before heading to the kitchen to make coffee. I’m hit with a shot of guilt when I find another Post-it on the counter beside a coffee cup I’ve never seen before. There’s a picture of Jack Sparrow on the mug, and the writing on the note is the last nail in my coffin.

I remember hearing years ago that your parents have cups with their nicknames for each other, so I figured why not? Let’s carry on the tradition.

Okay, now I’m leaving.

I love you, in case you forgot already

Xoxoxo Addie

I lift the mug and stare into the drunken eyes of Jack Sparrow. There’s no possible way I could love Adalyn more than I do right now.

A knock on the door has me setting the cup aside before leaving the kitchen. My dad shakes a brown paper bag in front of him after I open the door and silently curse at his presence.

“Morning, kid. Hope you’re hungry,” he says, all pip.

“Hey, Dad. Did we have plans that I forgot about?”

“Nope. I just missed you.”

He pats my arm and then walks right past me, heading right inside like my house is his. I swallow my indignance and close the door behind him.

“You just saw me.”

“You keep saying that, and I’m not going to lie, it’s starting to offend me.”

“Sorry,” I sigh. He’s unloading the bag of food when I enter the kitchen after him. “What did you bring?”

He frowns. “Croissants, muffins, and those cute mini cheese bagels Addie was telling us about at dinner. I was hoping she would be here. Where is she this early?”

“We’re going to a party for her latest photoshoot tonight, so she’s out getting pampered, I suppose. Why don’t you ever bringmyfavourite breakfast food in the morning? That seems a bit unfair.”

“I’m still trying to convince her that the Whites are better than the Huttons. If it comes down to a bit of bribery, then so be it,” he admits.