I clench around him, and he picks up speed, fingers pressing deep into my hip.
“You want that? Want me to fill you up and put a baby in you?”
The shock of his question only lasts a beat before I’m coming, my calves cramping and a broken cry tearing up my throat. Maddox folds his body over my back and covers my throat with his hand as I tumble through my orgasm, spasms making me lurch against his chest.
“Fuck. So good, baby. So good. I’m right behind you,” he groans before his hips stutter and warmth fills me.
My eyes flutter shut as I sag against the counter, my muscles sore as they start to relax. The pressure on my throat is removed as he strokes it gently instead, pressing kisses to my upper back and then down my spine.
He abandons my clit and moves his hand to my stomach instead, his fingers tracing my belly button.
“One day, I really do want to get you pregnant. Is that something that doesn’t just turn you on, but you think that you could want?” he murmurs, pulling out and moving back as he continues to kiss down my spine.
I whimper at the loss of his warmth but swallow back my beg for him to come back. His lingering kisses and soft touches feel so good after what just happened. Like the best form of aftercare.
“I want everything with you. Babies and white picket fences and a tree house in the backyard,” I reply, twisting my body so that we’re facing each other. His eyes are warm on my face as he smiles lazily. “Do you want everything with me?”
He pushes to a stand, tucks himself back into his jeans, and then closes the gap between us, pulling me into his arms.
“Babies, a white picket fence, a tree house in the backyard, and a big diamond ring on your left hand. Everything with you isn’t nearly enough.”
In my seven-yearcareer in the NHL, I’ve been to the final round of the playoffs twice. The first time came during my second season with the Warriors when we lost in game six against Carolina. The second time was two years ago, and while we lost again, we played our asses off and pushed Florida to game seven.
Today, we have our final practice before I get my third chance at the cup tomorrow. And third time’s the charm, right?
The first two times I was in this spot, I thought I had something to prove. Like if the team failed, that meant I failed. There was a near-suffocating pressure on me back then, and I’m relieved to know that whatever was causing that pressure is long gone.
Now I’m hungry. Goddamn starving to hold that beautiful silver cup in my hands and give it a sloppy kiss.
The sun has risen already, and I’m too scared to look at my phone to see how little time I have left with Braxton this morning. The past couple of days have been something out of a movie, and even though Braxton’s mattress is a far cry from the one in the penthouse, I’ve been here for the past two nights, a sore back and happy everything else.
A soft sound slips from Braxton’s mouth as she stretches her leg over both of mine before flopping to her back. A smile curls my lips as I drop my gaze to her sleepy eyes as they blink at me. She yawns and pulls the heavy reddish-pink blanket up to her chin.
“How long have you been awake?” she asks, voice scratchy with sleep.
“Not long. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I’m too ramped up to sleep.”
“I’m excited to see you play tomorrow. I’m flying with your family, right? I think that’s what your mom said on the phone yesterday.”
I roll to my side and stroke my knuckle over her cheek. “That’s right. I fly out tonight, and your flight is tomorrow morning.”
“Are you going to be able to last a night all by yourself?” she teases.
“Probably not.”
She giggles, turning her head to kiss my knuckle. “One game, and then we’re back home.”
“Hopefully with a win.”
“Definitely a win. The Warriors look amazing,” she says proudly, chin jutting up.
I pinch it and bring her in for a quick kiss, knowing how much she dislikes kissing too much before brushing her teeth. When I pull away, I bump her nose with mine.
“Thanks, baby girl.” I roll to my other side and grab my phone from the nightstand as she does the same. We fall back to the bed at the same time, but Braxton is a whole lot tenser than she was a second ago.