I roll my lip, contemplating that. “No, but also . . . maybe a little? I’m doing what I love, and I thought that if I had my own clinic, I would be more successful? Crap, I don’t know. I guess I’m just not sure that all of this is what I had pictured when I graduated. I rushed into the decision to run my own place because of my daddy issues. Wanted to try and do the impossible of making him proud, you know?”

He nods, and I push a few curls out of my face, embarrassed at this rant I’ve dumped on my co-worker.

“You didn’t ask for all of that. I’m sorry.” My cheeks burn.

His smile is warm, genuine. “I don’t mind. That’s what friends are for, right? And for the record, if your dad isn’t proud of you, it’s because he’s an idiot. You deserve the praise for all you’ve accomplished, even if all of this isn’t what you expected.”

“Thank you, Marco,” I mutter, stopping by a lamppost when Hades starts to sniff at it. “Have you ever wanted to run your own clinic?”

Sapphire steps into Hades and pushes her snout against his, sniffing at the scent they’ve both found. My heart warms at the sight of him at ease with another dog.

“If given the opportunity? I think so. I was exploring my options before I contacted you about working here, but I couldn’t find the right place to start on my own.”

I nod and give Hades a gentle pull. He rushes back to my side, and we continue walking.

“I think you would be really great at it.”

“You’re great at it too, you know? I love coming to work every day because of how much I genuinely like the clinic and its staff.”

“Sometimes I just think I’m in over my head. Especially recently with how crazy my life has gotten. I just think that I pictured myself having a lot more freedom, not being latched onto such a heavy chain of responsibilities. I always thought I would be one of those vets who works on my own schedule and is able to move all over the place, helping pets in need. Maybe that’s stupid.”

“Like a travelling vet?”

I shrug. “There might not even be much work down that line.”

He guffaws. “Are you kidding? You would be able to work wherever you wanted, for as long as you wanted. There are tons of clinics looking for that kind of work.”

I try to ease some of the excitement that follows those words, not wanting to start getting too many crazy ideas just yet.

“I just figured I would come back home after being away so long and feel like this was where I was supposed to be. But it just isn’t the same as it was before I left. Home isn’t Vancouver anymore. It’s—”

“Maddox?” He chuckles when I glance at him, surprised. “Yeah, I figured that one out quick. It’s obvious. Have you talked to him about this?”

Not yet.“I should. I’ll wait until after the playoffs are over, though. Maybe by then, I’ll have my crap more figured out. The last thing I want is to mess anything up. Things are going so good right now.”

He bumps his shoulder against mine. “If you were going to pick a partner to support you through the career you’re wanting, it would be a man who travels for his own. Sounds pretty perfect if you ask me.”

“You’re a lot more insightful than I thought,” I admit with a loud laugh.

“Well, if you had ever taken me up on any of the dinners I’ve asked you on over the past few weeks, maybe you would have figured that out.”

I look at him, unsure of whether he’s truly upset about all the times I’ve turned him down, but I find him grinning, totally at ease.

“You’re not wrong,” I say.

“Eh, I won’t hold it against you. It’s hard to compete with a guy like Maddox Hutton.”

My cheeks burn. “It wasn’t about him. Not at the beginning.”

“I don’t need an explanation, Braxton. I’m just bugging you. We’re colleagues anyway. Technically, you’re my boss. It was the right move.”

“Thank you.”

A comforting feeling settles in my belly. It’s nice to clear the air and actually make a friend. It’s been a long time since I’ve made a new friend.

“Speaking of Maddox. It’s game one of the third round tonight, right? The Warriors are doing amazing this year—do you think they’ll make it all the way?” he asks as we turn the corner and the clinic comes back into view. I blink at the sign, not expecting to see it so soon.

There’s a lot of pressure resting on the team tonight, but they’re ready. Maddox is ready. I’m looking forward to tonight’s game more than the others I’ve been to so far for that reason alone. They’re going to be amazing.