Page 102 of Her Greatest Mistake

“Colt Warner! For the love of God, please stop thrusting at Maddox. You’re scaring Bernie,” Diamond, the photographer Sadie hired, huffs.

She keeps trying to pull Colt’s attention back to the dachshund who’s staring up at him, head tilting side to side beneath his miniature cowboy hat, but the country boy seems to have the attention span of a toddler.

Maddox belts out a laugh and shoves his teammate back over to the dog he was paired with. Bernie sits patiently as he waits for Colt to sit back down and pull him into his arms.

“Smile, Colt. Or I’m going to take away the matching cowboy hats,” Diamond threatens, starting to snap some photos with her expensive-looking camera.

The white backdrop set up behind Colt and Bernie takes up most of Diamond’s studio, but even with the addition of the massive men, it surprisingly doesn’t feel too crowded.

“You look so sexy over here, all in charge and shit,” Maddox murmurs, suddenly beside me, mouth at my ear.

I lean into his side, humming at the feel of him all warm and bare brushing against my arm. It’s been a test of my self-control to keep from jumping him already, and it’s only gotten harder and harder to keep my hands to myself the longer I’ve had to stare at him half-naked. He’s a walking wet dream, all rippling muscles and tattooed skin.

He hasn’t had his turn being photographed yet, so I can only assume it’s going to get worse the minute I see him posing with a dog. I’m suddenly thankful for my decision to put on a sundress today and not a pair of pants. At least there won’t be visible evidence of my arousal with a dress.

“I haven’t had to do much so far. Diamond is doing a great job at keeping you guys in line all on her own.”

He laughs softly. “I like her. She’s got balls. You have to have a pair of steel ones to be able to rein in these guys. They’re old enough to know better than to jerk around but crazy enough not to care.”

I press my cheek to his bicep and slip my arm around his front, dipping my fingers in the crevices of the muscles there, unable to stop myself. A rumble grows in his chest before he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, keeping me from continuing whatever it was I was trying to do.

“Baby, I’m already fighting off a boner at the image of you in this pretty dress. Please, don’t make it any worse,” he says tightly, almost begging.

“Yeah? You like it?” I glance down at the green dress before flicking my eyes back up to him. “I figured since you agreed to let me wear your jerseys just on game days instead of every day, I would still try to keep to theme.”

I’ve bought more green-coloured clothes in the past month than in my entire life, but it’s better than having to wear a heavy jersey in the warm weather.

“You look fucking gorgeous, Curly Fry.”

I blush at the compliment, darting my eyes away. “Thank you.”

“I love that I can still make you blush after this long,” he admits, the weight of his stare heavy on my cheeks.

“I don’t think I’ll ever not blush at the things you say to me.”

He dips his head, and his hot breath hits the tip of my ear. “Good. I like the colour pink on you. On your cheeks and that pretty pussy of yours.”

I nearly drop my head back and groan but choose to press my thighs together instead, feeling the damp material of my panties stick to the skin beneath.

“Stop it right now. I’m telling Diamond to put you next so that you can get dressed sooner,” I mutter.

Moving to step away from him, I hear his strong laughter and feel a tug on my hand. I have to blink away the lust from my eyes before looking back. He’s grinning so wide his dimples are out in both cheeks.Asshole.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

I stare at him, expression flat. “No. Now, get ready to pose.”

He releases my wrist with another loud burst of laughter, and I leave him standing there, a slickness between my thighs that makes me feel far more annoyed with myself than him.

Diamond is pulling her rainbow-coloured hair up into a bun when I reach her, a slight sheen across her forehead from the heat of the overhead lights. Colt is stretched out on his side in front of us, Bernie lazing against his stomach, both of their cowboy hats tilted back, almost hanging off their heads.

“One more, boys. Give me a smirk, Colt. I know you must have a good one. Yes, great. Now, put your hand on Bernie’s back and pull him right against you. Perfect,” Diamond instructs, dropping to her knees to snap more photos. “Okay, you’re done, Cowboy. Take Bernie back to the other room—he probably needs a break from all that testosterone.”

Colt pushes himself up and grabs Bernie in a single hand. His eyes fall back to Diamond as he says, “What are you doing after this? Feel like taking Bernie’s spot for a bit?”

“Not at all. But thanks for your good work,” she replies before turning to me with a warm smile. “How are you liking everything so far? Do you wanna see some of the shots before we continue?”

I swipe a hand through the air. “Oh, no. I trust you. Everything has been great so far. I was actually wondering if you could do Maddox next? I know Bentley was supposed to go, but—”