Page 27 of Jewel in the Rough

Benny stared at Teagan in wonder. “You got goats. You gotmegoats.”

“I did. I don’t know what I’m thinking, but yes, we now have goats.”

The baby goat made the most adorablebleep, and Benny shoved past Teagan so he could see it better, touch it, Coo to it. The older gentleman—Benny later learned his name was Denny Boardman—gently put the goat in his arms.

It squirmed and adorably nibbled at his shirt. “If I wasn’t already in love with you, Teagan Morrison, I would declare it now.” He was totally in love.

“He’s hungry. Where’s their enclosure?” Goat-man asked.

Teagan pointed to the pasture on the other side of the creamery where Benny had been forbidden to go for the past week. Only under the threat of no blow jobs had he managed not to sneak over and see what was going on.

“Over there.”

They trooped past the Gurls, who were only slightly curious about the goats, to the new goat enclosure. Teagan had built a little goat barn, and what looked like an obstacle course so they would have something to climb.

“I can’t believe you did this.”

Denny inspected the structures and the fencing, declaring it fit for their new herd.

“You’re gonna have to check the fencing on a regular basis. These guys test the world with their mouths and are very good at finding weak spots. It’s not fun trying to chase down a bunch of goats at midnight.”

Benny turned to Teagan and declared, “This is the best you’re-officially-stuck-with-me surprise-present you could’ve given me.”

“No,youare the best surprise-present.”

Benny’s heart flipped around in his chest a few more times; between Teagan and the goats, it was getting a hell of a lot of exercise. He peered up at his boyfriend, partner, and lover, cataloguing his tousled blond hair that resisted any styling, the sky-blue eyes brimming with intelligence and a wicked sense of humor, those bulky farmer’s muscles, and the ever-present, far-too-sexy Levis that showcased those thick thighs and tight butt. The man who loved him; what more could Benny want?

Nothing, that’s what. He wanted nothing more. Everything good that had happened since he arrived on Piedras was bonus, more than he deserved.

“I love you, Teagan Morrison.”

“I love you back, Benny Brambilla.”

“Um.” Benny glanced around, noting Ciara, Tristan, and the goat guy watching them. Jack and Vic, who Benny had become friends with over the past year, were picking their way across the field toward where they all stood. “What do you think about making this permanent?”

Teagan smirked. “Permanent… Are you asking me to marry you, Benny Brambilla?”

“Maybe?” Yes, goddammit, he was.

The corners of Teagan’s eyes crinkled. “Ask me properly so I can say yes.”

“Teagan Morrison, will you marry me?”

The six hardest words Benny had ever spoken.

Teagan gazed down at him, a smile playing along the edge of his lips. “Yes, Benny Brambilla, I will marry you,” he finally answered.

"I feel like I’m getting the better end of this deal. Goats, the Gurls—” Hedy Lamoo lowed softly in agreement from the cow pasture.

“Me as your new sister!” Ciara added.

“Nope.” Teagan shook his head. “It’s me who’s getting the better deal. But we can debate this further…later.”

Benny rolled his eyes, because it wasn’t true—he was the winner not Teagan—and laid a long hot kiss on his man. Who could’ve predicted that attempting to break a New Year’s resolution would mean his luck would change for the better? That witnessing a terrible event would lead him to Piedras Island, to Teagan Morrison, and to a family who loved him for who he was?

Teagan’s eyebrows drew together. “Are you crying?”

“No,” Benny lied. “Just got something in my eye.”