Just in case, I packed up extra of everything. Sandwiches, venison jerky, apples, extra water, and some kid hydration powder to put into his water. Justice had come home the day before with the cutest little hiking shoes with grips on the bottom.

I also packed a first aid kit and made sure we had moleskin for blisters and allergy medication for anything we might touch. When I used to go hiking, I would throw a protein bar and a water in my bag and leave.

But having Koby…I didn’t want him to have a bad experience and never want to go back.

Plus, he was my cub. His safety came first.

“Are you sure you don’t want to wait until we can come, too? I’m not sure I like you going off in the woods without us.” Justice caressed my butt as he passed to get his coffee while I made yet another extra sandwich.

“You don’t trust me, mate?” I asked.

“I do. What I don’t trust is others. Humans. The woods. Other animals. The weather. I could go on.”

“Is it scawwy?” Koby’s voice broke through our conversation. He was still in his jammies.

“See what you did…” I got up on my tiptoes and whispered in Justice’s ear, “Daddy?”

He growled and pulled me close. “Female, do you know what calling me that does?” He pressed me to his groin while Sloan got Koby up on his new booster seat. “Unless you want to be hefted over my shoulder and shown exactly what it does to me, I suggest you save that kind of talk for the bedroom.”

“Promise?” I winked at him. He growled, and Sloan chuckled. I knew he could hear all of it. Maybe they both liked a bit of daddy play. “Hiking is fantastic, Koby. It’s not scary. We’re going to have a great time.”

Sloan and Justice took their sweet time leaving. They were worried and stressed about us going alone, but it was ridiculous. It was nothing more than a walk in the woods.

It took about a half hour for us to reach the state park. Justice made me take his big, giant truck which felt like I was driving a train instead of a car. He also told Sloan they would be getting me a vehicle soon.

I told them anything but a minivan. I might be a mama, but I wasn’t driving one of those.

“Wook at those trees!” Koby took his own seat belt off after I cut the engine and climbed out of his car seat. We got out and he put on his little backpack, and I put on my heavier one. I didn’t have to tell him to hold my hand. He did that no matter where we were, even at home. It was part of the bond, and his panda calmed from our touches.

The place was breathtaking. There was nothing like this where I came from. Not even close. Koby wanted to stop at every tree. Every plant. He stopped to stare at the sky.

I explained clouds. Rain—again. Trees. Roots. Dirt of all kinds and colors.

“Let’s walk,” I said since we’d been there an hour and hadn’t even gotten past the ranger station.

“We are expwowers!” Koby said. Explorers indeed.

We walked until the sun was high in the sky. Koby ate two sandwiches and a cheese stick and then was ready to go on. He played in a clear stream, and we even saw an elk who sniffed the air and then ran. From me. Because predator.

“What time is it?” I asked. “We’ve been out here awhile.”

I patted my pockets and began to panic. I checked the backpack, even asked Koby and checked his bag. I had left my phone in the truck. What if Sloan or Justice had called? If they did, they must’ve been worried sick.

“Let’s head back, sweet boy. I bet your daddies have been calling.”

“Don’t want to. Let’s walk!”

He had the hiking bug. My fault totally, and not a bad thing, but I’d made a big error in forgetting the phone. By the time we got back to the trailhead, it was dark. Koby was crabby from not having a nap, and my heart was currently in my stomach because I knew my mates would be worried. They would’ve been able to feel if something had happened to me, even with our new bond, but it wouldn’t stop them from being concerned.

We got to the truck and Koby tuckered out instantly. I had to get home. I tried to call but there was no signal. My mates would be pulling their hair out.

Chapter Twenty-Five


We would have been able to feel her if one thing had happened. After that first night, when we all agreed that we were together and fated, we made love until Koby was going to be home any minute—but we neglected a very important act.

We’d never marked one another.