She got to the first landing before she glanced back. “You’re not coming?” She winked. “Yet?”

We put on a good show for her, leaping off the couch and tumbling in a much less graceful way than our pandas did in our rush to get to her. No. We were not coming.


Chapter Twenty-Two


Livvy didn’t make it to the top of the stairs before we caught up to her and lifted her in our arms, carrying her between us to her room. We didn’t discuss where we were going, but she needed her space. It had nothing to do with my experience with Angela. We’d known her so long, we were all very comfortable with each other, more friends who loved one another than lovers to start with. Making love to her was good, more than good, but my panda had never yearned for her when she wasn’t around the way he did for Livvy when she so much as left the room. And neither had I.

Not that I didn’t grieve her loss, but even before our first night in Livvy’s arms, I knew if anything happened to her, it would end me. Or a huge part of me because I’d never leave Koby behind, but there would never be another for me, for Justice, either, after her.

Her room was dim, lit only by the light from the hallway when we carried her over and laid her on her bed. The comforter was one we’d bought right after she arrived, soft and muted colors of peach and green that had made her clap her hands in delight. Even then, as she smoothed it over the sheets, I’d been picturing this moment.

Livvy crossed her arms and grasped the hem of her tank top, lifting it toward her head, and for a moment I thought we should stop, should discuss everything, then I realized that no. We had a lifetime for discussions, for explanations, for making plans. Right at this moment, we had a female who was slipping off her shorts, who had nothing underneath them, and who was inviting us to make love to her. It would be rude to stop now for something as mundane as words.

Worse than mundane. Heresy? Something…but words were not better in my head than they were out loud. We lay on either side of her and traced her body with reverent fingertips. Her curves were so lush, her breasts tipped with deep-pink nipples that peaked as soon as we touched them. We’d always enjoyed bringing a woman to climax together, even when we were young and unmated, which made us quite popular for a time.

But nothing about then could hold a candle to now when our mate’s satin skin was revealed to us for the first time. I wanted to know it all, what if felt like, how she reacted to being touched in different places, and how her back arched when we both bent to take her nipples in our mouths.

Her moan vibrated her torso, and I slipped my fingers between her thighs. She was so wet, so swollen, so ready for us. Lifting my hand, I held it in front of Justice’s face. His eyes narrowed and he nodded, letting me know I should be the first. I would have liked to argue, but it wasn’t the time, and also, I didn’t have the strength. While Justice continued to pay attention to her breasts, I moved to kneel between her legs and parted her folds. She was glistening wet, and before I did anything else, I licked her, tasting her sweetness and driving her higher, preparing her even more. When her whimpers reached my ears, I rose and fitted my cock to her opening. She was tight but slick and I drove inside her, feeling her give to admit me. Slowly at first and then faster I plunged into her, losing myself in our mate’s body, bringing her with me as I thrust even faster, friction and muscles flexing, milking my cum from my balls and out the head of my cock.

Her cries were music to my ears, her frantic flailing keeping me at the peak longer than I’d ever experienced. When I was done, I rolled to the side and cradled her against me. Justice lay behind her and found his way into her from behind, her sweet pussy ready for him, too.

Our mate was perfect for us, and as the night went on, we made love to her again and again, each time better as we learned one another’s bodies, minds, and hearts.

Chapter Twenty-Three


The purr of my panther woke me from what was undeniably the best sleep of my life. I stretched and felt a smile tug at my mouth. I was naked and had my mates on either side of me. We were all sleeping in a nest of love and lust.

“Why are you awake so early?” Justice said, wrapping his arm around my waist and tugging me closer to his body.

“Because Koby will be up soon. I’m not going to explain this to him. Are you?”

They both opened their eyes at once. I felt Justice’s eyelashes flutter against my back, and Sloan was in front of me. The name Koby splashed ice-cold water over all of us. We hadn’t exactly discussed this with…wait a damned minute.

“Wait, he’s with his grandparents,” Sloan said, laughing. We all cracked up together. Even when he was gone, that little boy ruled our world.

“That means, no leaving the bed until we let you,” Justice rumbled from behind me, making my skin break out in goose bumps.

“I can’t believe, I mean, should we talk about what this means? Was it…” My voice shook. “Was it just sex?”

Sloan scooted closer. He pushed some of my hair behind my ear. “That’s a mutual decision, sweetheart. But for us…” He lifted his head and briefly looked at Justice who was holding me tighter than ever. “For us, you are our mate. We’ve known for a while. We were just concerned you didn’t feel the same way.”

“I’ve been trying not to jump you two nearly the entire time I’ve been here.”

Sloan smiled. “Is that right?”

I nodded. “Remember that night I went to the coffee shop by myself the other week? A dude hit on me.”

Justice growled behind me and murmured the word mine against the skin of my back. I reached for his hand and kissed it. He instantly calmed.

“My panther tried to claw her way out of me. She cried outmate.Family Cub. Pride.She knew I was taken. And I have been taken. I thought there would be no one else after Jason but you two showed me what love really could be like.”

Sloan leaned forward to kiss me while Justice did the same. My body flared to life as they loved me.