Every drop of laughter ceased. Justice crouched in front of the recliner and patted Koby’s leg. He had his hand on my ankle. “These pictures were taken before Livvy was in our life.”

Koby looked around and put up his hands. “No pictures of Wivvy anywhere.”

Oh, boy. I shut the album, intent on changing the subject. “That’s okay. The real question is, do you want to build a fort?”

The notion of a fort piqued his interest. I could tell because he lifted one eyebrow. “No. I want pictures of Wivvy. Everywhere!” He stood in the chair and turned in a circle. This kid. I swear.

“He’s right. We need pictures of the whole family.” Sloan was behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Well, not today. It’s raining. Another time,” I said and got up.

Justice took Koby in his arms. “We could take one picture right outside on the back porch. Just one.”

“Pictures with Wivvy!” Koby announced like I was a main feature in a theater.

“Let me go brush my hair. I must be a mess.”

Sloan stopped me, this time, his hand on my waist. His eyes dipped to my lips. “No need. You’re perfect.”

“Um, okay.”

We went out to the back and took a selfie. Justice holding Koby. Sloan on the other side and me in the middle. In the middle of my family.

“Oh, um,” I stammered for a way to remove myself before I proclaimed my love for all of them right then and there. “We need a booster seat. There’s a big guy in this house who no longer wants to sit in the high chair. He wants to sit at the table like his daddies.”

They both smiled. Gods, I wished they would stop smiling at me like I hung the stars. Justice asked Koby about it, and he confirmed.

“Then, by all means, let’s find one online and get the man what he wants.”

Chapter Twenty-One


She was now “in the picture.” In fact, Sloan and I both had the actual picture on our phones. I brought it up often, loving that not only was it her, but it was all of us. A new family whose happiness beamed out of the screen at me. Angela had not been our true mate, but she’d been a loving and kind one and a great mother to Koby.

I brought up another picture on my phone. Angela. She was beautiful, and sometimes I could hardly believe she was gone. But she was. “Angie, what do you think about our new mate? I think you would like her. Koby does. More than Sloan and me, I’m afraid. We’re going to talk to her tonight. But that doesn’t mean we’ll forget you. Or let Koby, either. In fact, Livvy shows him your picture a lot and they talk about you. Your cub loves you. And your mates.”

The outer office door opened, and I quickly clicked the phone dark and watched to see who would come in. Just business, more business, and that was great because I didn’t want to admit to myself how nervous I was about this evening. If she rejected us, I didn’t know what I’d do.

When I got home, Angela’s parents were sitting in the living room, chatting with Livvy over a pitcher of iced tea and some pecan cookies she’d made the day before. “Justice, here you are. We were just talking about Koby’s new relaxed schedule. As long as you don’t give him a bowl of sugar before bedtime—in which case, you’ll be up most of the night—you should be able to enjoy yourselves as you please. You’ve raised children before. You know what you’re doing.”

Sophie, Angela’s mom, looked serious but eager. “Are you sure? Angela actually gave us a binder of instructions.”

“I understand,” Livvy said. “And I do think structure is important, but I think it will be all right if he stays up until eight while he’s having his sleepover at your house. He’s getting older and likes some variety.”

Sophie reached for Koby and gave him a squeeze. “We’re going to have so much fun. We’ll stay up late and eat popcorn and play games!”

I approached the cheerful group. “Have fun, but take it a little easy, GiGi. You know what panda cubs are like.”

More confident now, she fixed a stern gaze on me. “I should. I raised three of them. Go get your backpack, Koby. We’ll stop for ice cream on the way home.”

He tore off to the foyer and I squeaked, “Before dinner?”

“Angela loved ice cream before dinner. This way, it’s out of their system by bedtime.” She found Koby and took his hand. “I’m having two scoops.”

Pop-Pop, chuckling to himself, followed them out the door, and it clicked closed behind them.

“Ice cream before dinner,” I marveled. “Angela was so strict about everything.”