I nodded. “Kyler remembered.”
“He remembered?” she asked.
“Everything,” I assured her. “Melanie grabbed the wheel and he lost control.”
“Thatbitch!” she cursed, seething with hate. “How dare she come into our home? How dare she play the victimknowingshe did this to our baby?”
“What do we do now?” Mr. Fletcher asked me.
“Don’t let her back in here. She threatened to tamper with his machines if I told anyone,” I said.
Mrs. Fletcher gasped. “We need to call the police.”
“And tell them what?” I asked, knowing that wouldn’t work.
“Well, what you just told us,” she said.
“I think we all know they won’t take my word on this. Most people think mediums are frauds.”
I watched as my words hit close to home as Mrs. Fletcher definitely thought I was one when I arrived.
“Was there a detective associated with the case after the accident?” I asked.
“Only at first when they weren’t sure if it had been a hit and run,” Mr. Fletcher explained.
“Can you call them?” I asked. “You know, see if anything seemed out of the ordinary that night?”
“We all assumed it was ice,” Mrs. Fletcher said, her voice low like she still couldn’t believe this accident wasn’t really an accident. Melanie had purposely done this. Done this because Kyler didn’t want her.
“It wouldn’t hurt to call and plant the seed that you have doubts,” I said.
Mr. Fletcher pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’ll do that right now.”
“At least you won’t have to worry about Melanie while she’s in Boston,” I said, my eyes jumping between the Fletchers. “And hopefully we’ll have some answers or evidence before she gets back.”
“Can we get out of here?” Kyler asked, pushing himself to his feet.
I looked at him. He’d been so quiet, I’d almost forgotten he was there. “Are you okay?”
He shrugged.
“What is it?” Mrs. Fletcher asked.
“I think it’s been a lot on him today,” I explained.
“Does he need anything?” she asked, clearly wanting to fix it.
My look conveyed her question to Kyler.
“I just need to hold you tonight,” he said to me.
My stomach dipped. The feeling was mutual. “He’s just tired,” I explained to his parents. “We’re gonna head out.”
“Thank you for helping him,” Mrs. Fletcher said as she walked me out of the room. Kyler and Mr. Fletcher followed us to the front door.
Mr. Fletcher stepped forward and opened the door for me. “You’re a godsend, Nora.”
I forced a smile.