Page 37 of All Your Tomorrows

Anger filled her features. “Why was that douchebag here?”

“Because he realizes he fucked up,” Kyler said.

“Because he and Zoe broke up.”

“Figures,” Izzy said.

“And he wanted to clear his conscience,” I explained.

“Tell me you punched him again,” she said.

“No. I’ve matured a lot since the summer and held back my anger this time. Now tell me, how long will you be home?”

“I leave the day after Christmas.”

“That still gives us a week,” I said.

“Go get dressed. I wanna go out,” she said. “I need drinks and girl time,” she explained.

“Why don’t you hit up that party down the block,” Kyler suggested.

“You’re really pushing that party,” I said to him.

“What party?” Izzy asked.

“Didn’t you see the one on the corner?”

“At Tim and Al’s?” she asked.

“That’s the one.”

A big smile spread across her face.

“What’s that look?” I asked.

“I’ve been working twelve-hour shifts for three months straight. I feel like I’ve aged ten years in those three months. I need to feel like a twenty-two-year-old again,” she said.

I looked from Kyler to Izzy, unsure if a party was what I needed. But I missed my friend desperately. And, a girl’s night sounded like a good idea. “Fine.”

Izzy screamed. “Let me go shower. Make yourself look hot. We’re finding ourselves some guys tonight.” With that, she winked at me so Kyler couldn’t see then pulled her suitcases up the stairs and disappeared upstairs.

“Gonna make yourself look hot?” Kyler asked me.

I spun to look at him, hating that he still hadn’t mentioned our kiss. He didn’t have the right to now act all cheeky about me looking hot for a guy. “You heard Izzy. I’ve gotta find myself a guy tonight.” I broke his stare and hurried upstairs, knowing I deserved this night. And, I deserved someone who wouldn’t act like they hadn’t kissed me when they most certainly had.


I slipped on my tightest jeans and a sparkly green off-the-shoulder top. My hair hung in loose waves, my eyes were smoky, and my lipstick made my normal lips pouty and shiny. I met Izzy downstairs and she released a long, drawn-out whistle as I stepped into the living room. “Someone looks ready to find a man,” she said, her own outfit looking similar to mine.

I laughed before glancing to Kyler still on the sofa. He shot me a sad smile. “You look really pretty.”

I wished the hot guy Izzy wanted me to find tonight wasn’t already sitting in my living room. “Thanks.”

“Have fun tonight,” he said.

“We will,” I said as I followed Izzy out the front door.

“Don’t wait up,” she called back toward the house.