“Their texture.” He shivered at the thought. “Yuuuckk”
I yawned.
“Am I boring you?” he asked.
“Not at all. I’m just tired.”
He nodded his understanding.
“I should probably get to bed.” I shed the blanket and stood up. “Want me to leave the television on for you?”
“Can you put onThe Hangover?” he asked.
“That’s such a guy movie.”
He shrugged offhandedly. “I’m a guy.”
He certainly was.
I grabbed the remote and streamed the movie for him. The credits appeared on the screen. “All set?”
He stared across the space between us for a long beat. “Thanks, Nora.”
“It’s just a movie,” I said, knowing that’s not what he meant. But I hated the fact that he felt like he constantly needed to thank me for helping him.
He smirked, realizingexactlywhat I was doing.Damn spirit. “Good night.”
“Night,” I said before making my way to my room and flopping down on my bed.
I’d lied to Kyler.
There was no way I was getting any sleep, especially with him under my roof. I hadn’t, however, lied about getting cheated on. That broke my heart in ways I didn’t think I’d be able to come back from. Nor, did I think I’d ever feel anything ever again. But here I was, attracted to the guy in my living room. The semi-deadguy in my living room. I knew it was crazy. I knew he was on the verge of crossing over to the other side. But his presence brought light back into my life. And I liked it more than I had any right to.
“Hey,” Kyler said, “Nice jammies.”
I looked down at my plaid cotton pajamas. “Thanks.”
“What are we up to today?” he asked.
He laughed. “It’s not like I have other plans.”
“Who said I’m even getting out of my pajamas today? Iama college girl on winter break.”
“Why aren’t you going home?” he asked.
“This is my home.”
“What about your mom?” he asked.
“She’s a traveling nurse. She got Izzy into it. She’ll be home on Christmas morning so I’m either alone at her condo or alone here.”
“But you’re not alone here,” he said. “You’ve got me.”
I tipped my head, appreciating him for that.