Once I reached him, he held out his hand and took mine. His grip was strong and always comforted me because it was home to me. “You look amazing,” he whispered as I stepped beside him.
“You too,” I said, before handing off my flowers to Izzy who stood beside Daci.
I turned back to Kyler and we faced the ordained minister—a local medium who could see Kyler.
“It is my great pleasure to be here today to join Nora and Kyler in holy matrimony,” the minister began.
“I love you,” Kyler mouthed to me.
“I love you,” I mouthed back.
I heard his mother sigh. I loved that his parents, my mom, and friends had learned to see spirits—or at least Kyler. It had taken two years, which is why we waited to get married. Kyler had proposed a couple of days after his funeral, but it was important to both of us that our family and friends could be there and actuallyseehim. And, they could.
“Love comes in a variety of ways,” the minister continued. “Who are any of us to judge when it comes. How it comes. Or who it comes with. If love happens,thatis the true gift. A gift not everyone gets to experience to its fullest in their lifetime.”
Kyler brushed his thumb over the back of my hand.
“Kyler, you prepared your vows. Please take Nora’s other hand.” Kyler did and we faced each other. “You can share them with Nora now,” the minister said.
Kyler smiled, his eyes gazing into mine. “Nora, Nora, Nora.”
I laughed.
“You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You are my safe place. You are my crutch. You are my savior. You came into my life when I needed you the most and blew me away with your strength and determination. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my time walking this in-between life with anyone but you. I love you so damn much and nothing is ever going to change that.”
Though I smiled, tears glazed my eyes.
“Nora?” the minister said. “Your turn.”
I pulled in a breath and exhaled. “Kyler. You aremysafe place. You are my crutch. You are my savior. You came into my life when I needed you the most and made me see things in a whole different light. You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine spending this existence with anyone other than you. I love you like crazy, Kyler Fletcher, and nothing is ever going to change that.” A mixture of a laugh and a cry tumbled out of me.
He tightened his grip on my hands, giving me the reassurance he always gave me when I needed it most.
“Do you Kyler take Nora to be your wedded wife?” the minister said. “To love and cherish for all the days of your lives together?”
“Ab-so-lute-ly,” Kyler said, and everyone laughed.
I smiled, unable to believe this was my life. It might not have been everyone’s definition of normal, but it was the most normal thing I’d ever had.
“Do you Nora take Kyler to be your wedded husband? To love and cherish for all the days of your lives together?”
“Ab-so-lute-ly,” I said, and everyone laughed again.
Kyler’s smile couldn’t have been any wider. Dimples pinched into his cheeks and my stomach dipped at the knowledge that I was his and he was mine forever.
“Who has the rings?” the minister asked.
Izzy handed him two rings.
The minister held them, likely wondering how this was going to work.
“Just put it on the tip of my finger,” I whispered to him. “Kyler can take it from there.”
He nodded, sliding it onto the tip of my ring finger while I held out my left hand.
“Kyler, repeat after me,” the minister began. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed,” Kyler repeated as he slid the ring the rest of the way onto my finger.