Page 31 of All Your Tomorrows


“Maybe they can shed some light on your state of mind at the party when you left.”

He looked over at me. “You’d do that?”

“Of course.”

“Why do you keep helping me?”

“Because you keep haunting me,” I teased.

He reached over and placed his hand on mine. Goosebumps erupted on my skin. What I wouldn’t give for him to lean over and kiss me again. To let me know I hadn’t imagined the feelings growing between us. “I really appreciate you,” he said.

It was as if all the air had been sucked from my lungs.

He was friend-zoning me.

He was making it clear it had been a mistake to kiss me.

But, after all I’d been through with Rick and Zoe, I could do it too. I could wear a brave face and play it off as something insignificant too. “Stop trying to butter me up. I’m already helping you. It’s not like I have big plans tonight anyway.”

He forced a smile, though I could tell his mind was on the accident and his inability to remember it.

“Where do you wanna go?”

“My boy Bono works about a mile away at The Taco Shop.”

“You sure he still works there?”

“Yeah, I’ve been haunting his ass too.” He bumped me with his shoulder. “He’s an open book. He’ll tell you whatever you wanna know.”

“Let’s go see Bono,” I said, pushing myself to my feet. Kyler followed me back to my car and we took off for The Taco Shop. “Your gram was lovely,” I said. “She really loved you.”

A whoosh of air passed through his lips. “And now, she’s just a memory.”

“Isn’t that what we all become?” I asked, my eyes jumping between him and the road. “People will think of us sometimes or tell stories about us once in a while, but ultimately we’re nothing more than memories when we go.”

“Sad, isn’t it?”

“Extremely,” I agreed.

“But that’s whyyouhave to live life to the fullest while you still can.”

“What are you trying to say?” I asked.

“Youneed to make memories. Create the stories people will tell about you when you’re gone,” he said.

“I do that,” I argued.

He cocked his head. “Other than work, you haven’t had a single plan since I met you.”

“I’ve been busy with you.”

He scoffed. “Don’t miss out on things because you’re afraid of getting hurt. You’ll regret it.”

“Look at you all motivating and stuff.”

He shrugged. “What can I say? I’m amazing.”