Page 27 of Seren

The hairs on my arms stood on end. Not only was Seren somewhere in the classroom, but, of course, he would see Elizabeth as the one to blame for their appalling initial interaction.

“Care to elaborate?” the teacher asked Seren.

“She’s like every other girl. She thinks her pride is hurt and hateshimfor it when she should really be hating herself for her reaction. He didn’t make her hate him. Shechoseto hate him. You know, free will and all that.”

“Wow,” the teacher observed. “Most don’t interpret it that way.”

“How do they interpret it?” he asked condescendingly.

“Any ladies in the class care to answer that?”

I waited. I really did. But no one responded. My arm shot into the air.

“Grace,” the teacher said. “You’ve read the book?”

I nodded. “It’s one of my favorites.”

“Of course it is,” Seren grumbled.

“The initial interaction between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy is normal human nature,” I began. “He knows deep down that he can’t have her, therefore, he detests her forhisfeelings. She has every right to hate him for his judgment of her and his appalling behavior toward her. What woman wouldn’t? Just like men, women are strong, independent, and proud. If someone challenges that and minimizes our feelings, it’s human nature to be angry at that.”

I sat back in my seat, kind of expecting a round of applause after that off-the-cuff, yet powerful, monologue, but the room was dead silent. Did the other girls not agree?

“Thank you, Grace,” the teacher said. Her warm smile told mesheat least agreed with me. “That was a great analysis from a woman’s point of view.” She continued lecturing on the book, noting other instances where maintaining one’s pride became an issue.

“Note to the new girl,” the girl behind me whispered. “Never challenge Seren Grayson. It never ends well.”

The high from my response wore off, and the reality hit me that I was yet again in Grayson territory.

When the bell rang to dismiss class, I took my time leaving so I wouldn’t have to face Seren. Not because I was scared of him. But because I just wanted to get through the day unscathed and go home. Sadly, even that notion didn’t bring me comfort because it wasn’tmyhome.

At lunch, I searched the faces, hoping for a familiar one preferably Sawyer’s. Unfortunately, I didn’t see him. I did see Christa and breathed a sigh of relief before walking over to her.

“Hi,” I said with a smile as I reached her table.

She looked at me as though we’d never met.

“Grace,” I reminded her.

“Sorry, no seats at this table,” she said coldly.

Heat spread over me, likely radiating from my cheeks.

“There are plenty of seats over there.” I recognized Kiki, the blonde from the Grayson’s pool house, as she pointed to a table in the corner. “With the other poor kids.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. This had to be some kind of sick joke. People didn’t actually behave this way. Did they?

I turned away from them and went to the table she’d pointed out. At least I knew I wouldn’t be taking anyone’s seat if I sat there. I slipped onto the end of the bench seat and pulled my phone and lunch from my backpack. Holly had already texted ten times to check on me. I couldn’t even bring myself to text her back, so I ate my lunch in silence. I’d never felt so alone in a room full of people.

I was glad that gym was my last class of the day. The gym teacher gave me a Windham Prep gym uniform that had the school’s logo on it. I changed then joined the rest of the girls in the gym. To my surprise, no one wore the shorts, and very few even changed into the top.Awesome.

The teacher directed me to the small group walking the perimeter of the gym while a game of basketball took place on the main court in the center. Since I knew no one, I walked alone. It gave me time to count down the number of school days I had left. Nineteen. I could do nineteen days at Windham Prep. If I could pick up and move to the manor, I could do this. I mentally made a list of all the positives of attending Windham Prep.

One. Short commute.

Two. I could sleep later.

Three. More free time before work.