Page 19 of Seren

I glanced up from behind Martine’s desk in his third-floor office.

“You know you’re not supposed to be in here,” he said as he stepped inside and closed the door.

“This is our house. Not his,” I reminded him.

“You sound childish.”

“Spoken by the sixteen-year-old,” I countered.

He rolled his eyes.

“What do you want?” I asked, annoyed by his intrusion.

“Just making sure you’re not planning on doing anything stupid.”

My brows inverted. “Anything stupid?”

“To Grace. You know, after she spilled the antipasto all over you.”

The thought of her purposely spilling food on me sent anger coursing through my veins. No one tried to one-up me. “Why do you think I’d do something to her?”

He cocked his head. “Because it’s what you do. You don’t let people play you and not pay the price.”

“You make me sound diabolical.”

“Not diabolical. Nuts.”

I flipped him the bird.

He didn’t laugh like he normally would. “She’s nice, Seren. I don’t want you messing with her the way you’ve messed with people in the past.”

I wouldn’t lie and say I hadn’t fucked with people in the past. But they’d all deserved it.

“I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her,” Sawyer warned.

I scoffed at the absurdity of his words. “Are you her bodyguard now?”

“Consider yourself warned,” he said before opening the door.

“I don’t take kindly to threats, little brother,” I said.

He walked out, closing the door behind him.

I couldn’t help but smile. I’d taught him well. No one wronged you without repercussions, and though I knew he wouldn’t make good on his threat to me, at least he—as well as everyone else in this godforsaken town—knew, Seren Grayson was not someone to fuck with.


“So, how’s life at the manor?” Holly asked from behind the wheel of her car Friday night.


“Different good or different bad?” Laney asked from the backseat.

“Well…” I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell my friends about the shitty stuff that had been happening. It was easier letting them believe everything was fine. “I’m just trying to find where I fit there.”

“If you ask me, it’s right between the two older brothers,” Holly said.

I rolled my eyes. If she knew the truth, she wouldn’t be saying that.