Page 107 of Seren

“Well, that’s good,” she said. “Is he still back home or heading to college too?”

“He’s in Alabama playing football.”

“TheAlabama?” Jack asked.

I nodded.

“He must be good to play there.”

“He’s really good. He’s actually the starting quarterback.”

“No shit?”

My prepaid phone buzzed. I lifted it and glanced at the screen. There was a link in a text from Seren. I clicked on it. It was a plane ticket for a flight to New Hampshire leaving at seven tomorrow morning. My stomach dropped. Why was he sending me a plane ticket? I wasn’t supposed to go back there. I sent off a text.I can’t.

I need you.

After twenty-four hours of radio silence, he couldn’t even call me? What was going on?

“You look like you just got some bad news,” Rya said.

I glanced up. “Oh…I…”

“The guy?” she asked.

I nodded. “He needs me to fly home tomorrow morning.”

“Are you working tomorrow?” Jack asked.

“No. But…” How did I explain that I’d been blackmailed to leave the state? I guess if I wanted to keep these friends, I didn’t. But could I actually go back to the manor? How could I be sure Martine wouldn’t do something to me or the people I loved? Had he found out they’d been in his office? Had something already happened?

I reached in my bag and pulled out my other phone, sending a quick text to my mom.R u ok?

“Are you cheating on your man?” Jack asked.

I glanced at him. “What?”

He lifted his chin in the direction of the phone in my hand. “Why else would you need two phones?”

Dammit. “Oh…I…”

“Leave the girl alone,” Rya chimed in. “We’re allowed to have secrets, ya know?”

Oh, if they only knew….



A driver, holding a sign with my name on it, waited for me as I stepped off the plane a little after ten the following morning. I still hadn’t heard back from my mom or spoken to Seren. I prayed he knew what he was doing by bringing me back home. My legs bounced nervously as we drove through the familiar streets of Windham, nearing the manor. My heartbeat hastened and my palms dampened. Was my mother okay? Had she been hurt? Is that why he brought me home? Had something so bad happened that he couldn’t risk telling me over the phone? My frantic mind spun. I needed to get into the manor.

When the driver pulled up to the front gate, Sawyer stood there, opening the gate for us. He didn’t wave or even try to look through the blackened car windows.

What was going on?

I texted Seren one more time hoping this time he responded.I’m here.

Stay in the car.