Page 7 of Seren

In between photos of him with girls at parties or in the hallway at school, there were photos of him in his navy and white football uniform with the number twenty-five on his chest. There were some of him standing on the sideline during practice with sweaty hair and red cheeks and lots of him throwing footballs during games. There were also some of him with his brothers, all tagged #GraysonGods. In some, they wore football uniforms and in others, they posed at charity events. I wondered how many fundraisers Maureen dragged them to.

I didn’t know what I thought I’d learn about Seren by stalking him on social media, but what I found didn’t shed any light on who he was. I wondered if I’d ever learn or if all our interactions would be via note or cold uncomfortable run-ins.

* * *

Loud music reverberated off our walls Friday night. You’d think the old stone exterior of the manor would’ve kept the noise out, but between the screaming girls jumping into the pool and the loud music, it was difficult to concentrate on the book I still couldn’t finish on my phone. I crawled off my bed and stopped in my mom’s open doorway. “Can we expect a party every weekend?”

My mom glanced at me from her bed where she’d been watching television. “Not my business.”

“Well, did you have to clean up after them?”

“The weekend staff handles weekends. I’m usually long gone by the time Friday night rolls around.”

“So, do you think they do this every time Maureen and Martine are out of town?”

She shrugged, but something in her features said she knew. Wasn’t it a foregone conclusion that the help always stayed quiet but gossiped behind closed doors?

“Night,” I said before returning to my room.

With all the noise, I knew I wouldn’t be able to read…or sleep. So, once I was sure my mom had fallen asleep, I tiptoed to the front door and slipped out. I needed to see this party for myself.

Expensive cars, jeeps, and SUVs lined the driveway. Some people walked about the grounds, but most mingled by the pool and pool house. I really didn’t want to catch anyone’s attention, especially after the way things went down with Seren and that girl by the pool the other day. So, I made my way across the grounds, moving from tree to tree as if on a clandestine mission.

Out of nowhere, a hand clasped my mouth from behind, stealing my breath away. Fear grabbed hold of me as I struggled against the hand, only to be pulled back against a strong body.

“Shhhh. I’m not gonna hurt you,” a deep voice promised.

“L…e….t…g…oooo,” I struggled to say against the hand.

“I’m gonna let go,” he assured me. “Just promise you won’t yell.”

I nodded, willing to agree to anything for him to release me.

Slowly the hand released my mouth and I spun around ready to unleash my wrath on whoever had touched me. My head hitched back at the sight of one of the Grayson boys standing in front of me, tall and handsome, his green gaze capturing mine. His lips slipped into a small smile. I knew him from the photo, but I wasn’t sure if he was Saint or Sawyer. “You must be Grace,” he said, his eyes drifting over my jeans and hoodie.

Feeling uncomfortable under his appraisal, I crossed my arms.

“No wonder your mom kept you away from here,” he said.

“What’s that mean?”

“My brothers would definitely eat you up and spit you out,” he assured me with a laugh.

“Excuse me?” I asked, annoyed by his words.

As if remembering his manners, he shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’m Sawyer.”

“Maureen’s youngest son?”

He grinned. “My reputation precedes me?”

“My mom might’ve mentioned it.”

“Before she threatened you to stay away from us?”

My eyes narrowed.

“I knew it!” he said, my expression giving me away. “She was smart to keep you away,” he said, burying his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “We are trouble.”