Page 4 of Alien Step-Brother

A wave of shock punched me in the gut, and an audible gasp flew from my lips. “Excuse me?”

He locked his hands behind his back, pulling down a severe, emotionless mask. When he faced me again, his eyes were vacant and void of all color. “Your father was recently bound to my mother, Ms. Ramos. I’m your new stepbrother, Alekkon Velorum.”

Chapter 3

A silvery, appealing female voice cleaved through the erotically charged tension in the next breath. “Ah, there you are, Alek. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

At the sound, Alek visibly tensed, more so than he already was. He inclined his head to the side when a tall, elegant Dragaken woman placed a hand on his shoulder.

She wore a fashionably refined black dress with tasteful gold accents that stood out in contrast against her silvery scale-skin. Pearly blue hair trailed in a complicated yet sophisticated braid down her back. Her horns curved out like a rams, larger and longer than Alek’s, with gold rings drilled into the bottom. They clinked like wind chimes with every subtle move she made.

At first, I thought she might be another intergalactic noble like Alek. Until I noticed the golden pin on her dress, depicting the symbol of the Intergalactic Senate; a radiant star rising between two wings that curved around it like a shield.

This woman was a Dragaken senator. One of the highest titles an individual can have from any planet.

“And who is your new friend?” Her smooth, crooning voice gave me the impression her speeches at the senate always held the crowd’s attention.

I could have listened to her speak all day.

When I realized she was talking about me, all the color drained from my face.

If this slightly older woman was talking to Alek, then this must be his mother. And if this was his mother, then that meant—

“Nova!” My father’s voice reverberated off the walls, ricocheting off the inside of my skull like a wayward bullet.

In the next instant, Hector Ramos exploded out from behind the Dragaken senator. I saw a blur of black hair recently peppered with gray, and golden-brown skin before his arms enveloped me, crushing the remaining air from my lungs.

With his face squished against mine, Dad rambled on. “Where have you been? I’ve been calling your com for half an hour! I thought you missed the shuttle, or the boarding, or got lost in the terminal.”

Forgetting about the brittle pressure from seconds ago, I relaxed into my dad’s embrace. After two years apart, I needed this hug to drown the ache of his absence.

“I’m fine, Dad,” I breathed out. When I pulled back, I added, “I got distracted taking in the ship when I boarded. I’m sorry.”

“Ah, that’s alright. It’s a lot to take in.” He vigorously shook his head and waved off my apology.

I glanced over his appearance, from the neat all black suit to the new sparkle in his rich brown eyes that mirrored mine. He hadn’t had a light in his eyes since my mother left.

“Where are my manners?” He smacked his forehead, then looked at everyone in attendance.

My face flushed when I remembered my indecent first encounter with Alek. That’s the worst way I’ve ever met a new family member, and a tide of guilt washed over me.

“Khalla, Alek, this is my daughter, Nova!” The pride in his voice embarrassed me further as he presented me to the patiently waiting Dragaken nobility.

“Nova and I have already had the pleasure of meeting,” Alek commented.

Dad kept one hand on my shoulder as he faced Alekkon. “Is that so?” he boomed with unbridled excitement.

Unable to read Alek’s blank eyes, I jumped in. “Yes. I tripped when we went into hyperwarp, and he caught me from smashing my face.”

“How delightful,” Khalla demurred, maintaining an elegant poise I’d never accomplish. Her eyes turned blue when she glanced at her son. “Good job catching her. Perhaps you two will get along.”

Dad sucked a breath through his teeth, capturing everyone’s attention. He swiped a hand over his neck and waved the other hand in the air.

“What is it, darling?” Khalla pressed, voice cool and reserved.

“I just got back from the desk since I wanted to get Nova’s room key for her, and there was a problem with the rooms.”

Nerves roiled in my gut, twisting like an active volcano. I gritted my teeth against the feeling of my skin tightening and my bones going stiff.