It had worked splendidly until now. But a change had been brewing for some time, now. One she’d fought like hell to ignore.
Hard to ignore when he’s standing right beside you.
Her inner voice wasn’t wrong. The craziness of the last few days had offered ample proof of that.
Everything about her was changing. Probably had been since the day she first met the sexy beast of a man. She could still remember their first introduction as if it were yesterday.
The way her breath had caught in her lungs when those piercing eyes of his met hers. The electric pulse shooting through her at their first shared handshake. The way her insides had contracted, and her body had ached at that first panty-dropping smile.
But the one thing that stood out from all of that was the unexplainable ease at which Izzy felt when Grady was there. It made no sense whatsoever, even for someone of her profession. It simply…was.
Grady was sweet. Sexy. Ferociously protective of those he loved, and the most incredible lover she’d ever had. But most importantly…
He makes me feel safe.
Safe. Treasured. Cherished.
Though she’d done her best to ignore it, Izzy could no longer deny what was happening between them. What had started as a casual fling somehow turned into something more. And no matter how hard she fought it, or how many time she told herself it wasn’t what she wanted, Izzy finally understood.
I’m falling for him.
Truth be told, she was probably already there. And though the timing was less than ideal, Izzy couldn’t ignore the fact that she’d come damn close to dying tonight. They both had. And now…
All I can think about is what if I’d died without ever allowing myself to love?
It was ridiculous and highly inappropriate given the circumstances, but Olly was safe and so was she. For now, at least.
It was late, and nothing more could be done from her end until morning, anyway. And being locked away in her own home with the very man who’d risked his life for her mere hours before, Izzy realized there may never be a perfect time for what she needed to do.
After taking another slow sip of her tea, she turned away from the window and set the mug on the end table next to her cherished chaise.
“Olly’s safe, Iz.” Grady the move to mean she was worried about her brother.
She was, but in that particular moment, that wasn’t at the forefront of her mind. Maybe it should have been, or maybe…
“I know.” Izzy faced the man who made her heart race. “He called while you were in the shower.”
She’d taken one herself as soon as they’d gotten to her place, using the brief respite as a chance to regain her composure and move past the night’s terrifying turn of events.
“Then what’s got you looking like you’re contemplating life’s greatest mysteries.”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Maybe I am, in a way.”
“Yeah? Wanna share what’s rolling around in that incredible head of yours?”
Did she? Normally her answer would be an instant and resounding no. But this time, Izzy found herselfwantingto tell him. Found herself wanting to do all sorts of things she’d never allowed herself in the past.
As they stood in the room’s soft glow, Izzy found herself wanting to hold him…and let him hold her. She wanted to finally let go of her deepest, darkest secrets, and lose herself in the heat and passion only this man could create.
Only him. Only Grady.
Maybe it was adrenaline or her tearful and unexpected reunion with Olly. Her cycle was slated to start soon, so it could simply be hormones run amuck.
Or—and this was a very real possibility—she could be looking for a plausible excuse that didn’t exist and was a mistaken on the grandest of scales. But it didn’t matter.
Izzy was tired of living half a life. Tired of hiding in the shadows of the world, and tired of always being alone. After all, how could she expect Olly to put himself out there and let others in if she wasn’t willing to do those things herself?
Before she could chicken out, Izzy closed the remaining distance between them in a few purposeful strides. She stopped directly in front of him.