Once again, Izzy’s forlorn gaze traveled the distance between her and her brother. But she stepped back up onto the sidewalk and stood by Grady’s side.
Right where she belongs.
The unexpected thought took him by surprise, especially given where they were and what had just taken place. This wasn’t the time or place to be thinking about that shit. Only…
It’s not shit. It’s…Izzy. And she was more than just a thought. She was…
Both he and Izzy turned their heads to see Sgt. Riedell marching toward them. From the look on the man’s face, he was as happy about the situation as was Grady.
“What the hell happened?” His boss’s swift steps and long strides carried his lean form to where they stood.
Releasing the hold he still had on her tiny wrist, Grady spoke as he led Riedell and Izzy around the trunk to the other side of the car. “Someone took a shot at us.” He pointed to the quarter-sized hole in the center of the spiderwebbed glass. “Once the scene was secure, I did a search and found what looks to be a slug from a twenty-two.”
“You thinking long gun?” his boss asked Grady’s opinion.
“That or a long rife pistol.” Grady moved closer, pointing out the light, almost white circle surrounding the small hole. “You can see the pulverization of the glass surrounding the point of impact.” For Izzy’s benefit, he added, “That’s due to the speed at which the bullet was traveling.”
The entire window had shattered, but the design of the safety glass kept it otherwise intact.
“And you two didn’t see anything before the shot was taken?”
“That’s a negative, Boss.” Grady shook his head. “Patrol’s been canvassing the area, but so far there haven’t been any signs of the shooter. Of course, the neighbors aren’t talking.”
“Let me guess. No one heard or saw anything?”
“I still can’t believe this happened.” Izzy’s soft voice reached his ears. “If we’d been standing an inch or two in the other direction…”
There was no need for her to finish the sentence. They all knew what would’ve happened if that had been the scenario instead.
I almost lost her.
“Someone just happens to take a shot at you right after you visit your estranged brother?” A muscle in Riedell’s jaw bulged. “No way that’s a coincidence.”
“Agreed.” Grady stared back at his boss with a nod.
“So what happens now?”
Both men turned to face Izzy who looked far too pale for Grady’s liking. “Now, I’m going to get you out of here and someplace safe.”
“Like where?” Her dark brows furrowed.
“You can stay with me.” When her eyes widened, he added, “I’ll take the couch, but I don’t want you to be alone tonight. Not after this.”
“I agree.” His sergeant backed him up. “Until we know for sure who the shooter was and whether you were his target, you need to lay low.”
“I appreciate the thought, Sergeant. Really, I do. But I also have a job to do, and people are counting on me to do it.”
Sliding his intense stare her way, Grady told Izzy point blank, “If that bullet was meant for you, there’s a good chance there could be more headed your way.”
“Thorn’s right.” His boss concurred. “Can’t do your job if you’re dead.”
No one could ever accuse Riedell of being a sugar-coater, and right now the man’s bluntness was exactly what Izzy needed to hear.