“Hunt wanting to send one of us in?” Cole glanced around at the others before his piercing blue gaze returned to Riedell’s. “Boss, a UC operation’s going to take a while to get going.”
“Especially with someone as sharp as Dante Valdez,” Kim agreed.
Sitting at the desk across from Cole’s, her blonde hair was pulled back in her signature ponytail. She and Cole had been partners since well before Grady joined the DPD, and from everything he’d seen, they were as solid as partners could be.
Like the rest of them, Kim’s intelligent baby blues were filled with intense curiosity as the team waited for more. Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long.
“As most of you saw, I just had a meeting with SAC Hunt and ADA Umbridge,” Sgt. Riedell commented. “You probably noticed Dr. Garcia joined us, and I’m sure there are questions. So here it is.” He walked over to the case board, pulled two photos from the file in his hands. Clipping them to the board for all to see, he turned to face the group. “This is Oliver Garcia. He’s an ex-con who did time a while back for breaking and entering, as well as aggravated assault. According to Hunt, Garcia drifts in and out of town every so often. Something his sister confirmed. Right now Garcia is back in, and he works for Dante Valdez.”
Grady stared at the two images. One was a mugshot showing a young, unapologetic kid from several years prior. The other a recent and somewhat grainy surveillance photo.
“Garcia?” He’d picked up on that little fact right away. “Don’t suppose he’s any relationship to—”
“Olly is Dr. Garcia’s older brother,” Riedell answered the question before it was fully posed.
Izzy never mentioned anything about having a sibling. Of course, the fact that he’s an ex-con who worked for the man they were trying like hell to take down may have had something to do with that.
Not that Grady would’ve cared. Izzy was her own person, and Grady knew better than most not to judge someone based on their familial relations.
“What kind of work does Garcia do for Valdez?” The question came from Blake Jacobs who was standing near his own desk.
The one across from him was currently empty, the team still down one since Jacobs’ partner moved across the country three weeks prior.
“That’s still unknown,” Riedell answered Jacobs. “What we do know is Oliver, or Olly as his sister calls him, has an in with Valdez, and we’re hoping to use it to bypass the usual undercover set-up. Because Archer’s right. A UC op like the one we’re trying to put together inside Valdez’s world would take a long damn time, and there are too many innocent lives at risk.”
“Not sure I’d call Juan Gomez or the other two Los Reyes stiffs innocent,” King quipped.
“Regardless”—Riedell continued—“time is not on our side, so we’re gonna play this one a little unconventionally.”
“Meaning?” Grady listened intently, his gut becoming tighter and tighter the longer his boss spoke.
An unconventional UC op involving the FBI, ADA, and Izzy? This can’t be good.
“Meaning, Dr. Garcia has agreed to talk to her brother on our behalf. She’s going to explain the situation, and with any luck, he’ll agree to be our CI for the purposes of this case. I won’t know for sure until I hear back from Isobel, but the FBI and DA’s office is hopeful—as am I—that she can convince her brother to get us the evidence needed for an arrest and conviction.”
“And if she can’t?” Grady looked to his boss, who’s seasoned eyes met his without hesitation.
“If this lead falls through, we’ll have no choice but to start back at square one.”
“Or wait for the next Los Reyes corpse makes an appearance,” Cole muttered half-teasingly. “Guess if it comes to that, we can always try to get his next hitman for hire to flip.”
Riedell turned to Cole. “Let’s hope Dr. Garcia comes through before that happens. These kids may not be innocent, but they’re still just kids.”
“Kids who were dealt a shitty hand and ended up in the wrong crowds.” Kim stood a few feet from the board, arms crossed at her chest as she studied it closely. “I mean, Jacobs’ is right. These guys are bad news, but most of them probably felt they didn’t have a choice when they joined the Los Reyes. Hell, they may not havehada choice but to get in with a gang.”
“Join or die.” Cole nodded solemnly. “Some of the harshest ones lay it out like that for their recruits. You’re either in, or—”
“You’re dead,” Declan finished for their teammate. “I’ve seen it happen before. The members pressure neighborhood kids until they fold, using threats against them, their family. Friends. Guys like Valdez will do just about anything to keep their business growing.”
“And the kids do whatever they have to in order to survive.” Kim kept her line of sight in the board’s direction.
“Which leaves us here, spinning our wheels while guys like Valdez get away with murder. Literally.”
“Yeah, well he won’t be a free man long.” Riedell took in the entire room. “Not if I can help it. So let’s keep going. Pound the pavement, knock on doors...do whatever you’ve gotta do to find something we can use. In the meantime, I’ll keep in touch with Dr. Garcia about her brother.”
One question was clawing its way to the forefront of Grady’s whirling mind. Unsure he really wanted the answer, it was something he needed to know regardless.