“Or rival gangs,” Torres cut through Dec’s words.
His fear clearly stemmed not only from whoever put him up to killing Juan Gomez, but also those he and his fellow Reyes had crossed.
Play stupid games…
“That might be a bit trickier,” Declan responded. “But I promise we’ll do everything we can to place you somewhere safe.”
It wasn’t an empty promise. Their unit had a close working relationship with the D.A.’s office, and Riedell trusted the team’s judgement enough to back them up.
“You swear on my mama’s grave.”
“You have our word.” Grady locked eyes with the young man. And then…
“Dante Valdez.”
Beside him, Declan’s spine visibly stiffened. “Dante Valdez, thebusinessman?”
“Why do I know that name?” Grady turned to his partner, but it was Torres who answered.
“Ever heard of La Cocina? Valdez owns it.”
“I’ve heard of it,” he confirmed. “It’s that high-end Mexican restaurant across from The Capital Grille.” Another really nice eating establishment in town.
“That’s the one.” Torres nodded. “Valdez owns it and several other properties in the city.”
“He’s also well-connected and well-respected.”
“Don’t you mean feared?” Their prisoner slid his knowing gaze to Dec’s.
“What do you mean by that?”
Settling back in the weighted metal chair—its legs designed to keep it on the floor on the off-chance an arrestee happened to get loose from their cuffs—Torres shrugged. “Just what I said. On the outside, Valdez comes off like gold. But you dig a little deeper, you’ll find all sorts of folks hiding in the pockets of those designer suits of his. Including every member of Los Reyes. And, rumor has it, some of the folks Valdez keeps close wear blue. Just like you two.”
The only blue Grady and Dec were currently wearing was the denim of their jeans, but both detectives understood the guy’s meaning. Dante Valdez had not only ordered Torres to execute a Los Reyes gang member, but he’d also had people within the DPD on his payroll. Supposedly.
“You got names for these men and women in blue?” Grady watched and waited, but the response he got wasn’t what he’d hoped for.
“You think they’d tell a guy like me something that big?” Sarcastic laughter echoed off the concrete walls. “Trust me, I’m not that important. Hell, I’m one of a handful of enforcers Valdez has working for him. My guess is those other two stiffs you guys found belong to one of them.”
Declan drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “So let me get this straight. You were given a direct order from Dante Valdez to kill Juan Gomez, and you just…did it. Did you even bother to ask your bosswhyhe wanted one of your brothers dead?”
“Man, I get paid to do as I’m told, not ask questions.”
“And Gomez didn’t say anything to you before you pulled the trigger?”
Another chuckle. “That little bitch said all kinds of things. He begged me to let him go. Made promises I knew the entitled thief would never keep. Poor bastard even cried for his mama at the end.”
Jesus.“Back up,” Grady instructed. “You called Gomez a lying thief. What did he steal?”
“I don’t know for sure. No firsthand knowledge or anything like that. But rumor among the brothers is Gomez was skimming from the boss.”
“Money, drugs…women. Like I said, Gomez was entitled. Thought he was owed for all his hard work. Never mind the stacks of cash Valdez throws our way.”
“That’s all really good information, Alvarez,” Declan commended. “What would you think about going back in and getting more?”
“You want me to be y’all’s snitch?” Torres’ voice rose two octaves. “Ah, hell no. I’d rather take my chances in prison.”