Page 47 of Marked for Danger

“Olly?” She stood in the middle of her living room, her entire body trembling with fear. “I-I think it’s too late.”

“What? What do you mean it’s too late?”

“I just heard a gunshot from outside.” She swallowed, her heart kicking her ribs in a painful staccato. “Olly, I think they’re already here.”

“Back door! Now!”

Izzy spun on her socked feet and started for the door off the back wall of her kitchen. “I love you,” she offered her brother.

Just in case it was the last chance to say those precious words.

“I love you, too. Now get your ass in gear and get the hell out of that house!”

She was almost to the back door when it was forced open with a bang. Izzy skidded to a stop, fear nearly leaving her frozen when she saw Dante Valdez looming in the doorway.

“Valdez is here! Hurry!”


She slid her phone in her pocket and forced herself to meet the killer’s menacing gaze.

“That was the cops,” she lied. “They’re already on their way, but if you leave right now, you’ll still have time to get away.”

“Oh, I’ll leave, but not before I finish what I came here to do.” He moved toward her with slow, purposeful steps. “You see, I know what you and your brother have been up to. Olly’s already paid for his mistakes, which just leaves you.”

With every step he took in her direction, Izzy took a step backward. It was clear he didn’t know Olly was the one she’d been speaking with, nor did the bastard realize it was his man who had paid for his mistakes.

Not my brother.

“Didn’t you hear me when you broke down my door?” Another step backward. “I just told the nine-one-one operator your name. They know you’re the one who’s here. They know it’s you who broke into my home. It’s over, Dante. Just cut your losses and go.”

“Told you, sweet Isobel.” His lips curved in an evil grin. “Once you’re taken care of…”

The maniac didn’t seem faze by the fact that the cops were on their way. Which meant he most likely either believed he had time to kill her and get out before the police arrived, or he no longer cared.

Either outcome didn’t bode well for Izzy.

Run, Iz. You have to at least try to run!

As if Grady were standing right beside her, the words she could swear had come from him rang through her head. Knowing it was her only chance at survival, Izzy decided she’d rather die fighting than lay over and give up her life to the son of a bitch still moving toward her.

She glanced behind her, gauging the distance between her and the front door. There was about ten feet she needed to cover, but if she moved fast enough…

Izzy whirled around and ran as fast as her legs would take her. She made it halfway to the door when a massive wall of muscle slammed into her from behind.

The floor sped toward her as she and Valdez fell to the plush carpet with a dull thud. The air was forced from her lungs, and Izzy struggled to catch her breath while also fighting the man sprawled on top of her.

She was flipped over roughly, Valdez straddling her with his heavy form. His meaty hands holding both wrists in place so tightly, she worried her bones would break.

“You should’ve stayed in your lane, shrink. You have no business being in my world.”

“Let me go!”

But Valdez simply laughed. Moving her wrists together, he held them in one fist while using his freed hand to pull a large, shiny knife from his waistband.

Izzy whimpered, then immediately hated herself for showing this bastard a single second of fear. She was going to die soon. That was no longer a question. But how she died…

I won’t be a victim. Not again. Not ever fucking again.