Nathan:What’s with all the suspicion? We’re long overdue for this wings and beer night. We had been talking about it for weeks before Mom died.

Brandon:That’s true. Also true: you never make the plans.

Damien:[GIF of a man pointing, with the caption, “That part”]

John: idc what the reason is as long as i get wings and drinks. when and where big bro?

Nathan:Brandon, can we do it at your place? It’s the only one that’s free. I’m not really feelin going out tonight.

Brandon: Yes, please offer up my place without my input. ??

Nathan:It’s the only place that wouldn’t displace someone. Ciara and I live together now, and Damien and Alex live together.

Nathan: That said, we *could* do it at John’s.


Damien: ??

Brandon:I’ll start getting my place ready. What time?

Nathan: 6 pm? Two hours from now?

John: imma ignore the fact that yall threw hella shade at my place and just say i’ll be there

Damien: I’ll bring the drinks. (I’ll include an umbrella for your drink, John ??)

John: bruh, i wish you’d say that shit to my face!

Nathan:I’ll bring the wings. John…just work on getting there, yeah?

John: yo, yall are some haters for real

Brandon:See you soon.

Icalled in a to-go order to The Chicken Joint, a restaurant in Hemingway with some of the best wings I’d ever eaten. With that settled, I sent a quick text to Ciara.

Nathan:Hey, pretty girl ?? Gonna hang out with my brothers; don’t wait up.

Igot up and stretched, feeling the inertia that came with getting nothing done all day and gathered my stuff. I said goodnight to my assistant on the way out the door.

As I sat in traffic on Route 9, my mind wandered. I wondered what Ciara did that day, who she saw, and what she talked about with them. She hadn’t told me much about what she did with her days, now that she wasn’t working. Had she already applied to the animation program? What did one have to submit for an application to an arts program?

My curiosity piqued, I checked my text messages to see if Ciara had responded yet. When I saw that she did, I smiled.

Ciara:No problem; see you when you get home. How was your day?

Of course she asks about my day,I thought. Though I had just been thinking the same thing, unlike me, she didn’t hesitate to ask. Those feelings I had been trying to keep at bay bubbled to the surface, and I frowned as I tried to push them away.

Nathan: My day was okay, slow. How was yours? What’d you do today?

Ciara:Not much. I hung out with Estelle earlier. (She says hello by the way!). She told me some news about Daniella and Janine. They both got fired and no longer work at the bookstore.

Nathan: Oh damn! What’d they do? ??

Ciara: Long story. Anyway, are you driving right now? I don’t want you to get into an accident. ??

Nathan:Never fear, Cinderelly; I’m in traffic. I should focus on the road though, so I’ll talk to you later. ??