“And that’s all well and good,” Estelle said. “But how’s it been withNathan?”

I shrugged, taking a napkin out of the metal holder so I could shred it. “Okay, I guess.”

“Okay, you guess?”

“Yeah.” I stopped shredding to look at her. “Okay, if I tell you something, you promise not to tell anyone?”

“Of course,” she said immediately. “Lay it on me.”

“So, Nathan and I almost had sex last night—”

Estelle screeched, clapping her hands. “Yes, girl! This is what I wanted to hear! Tell me: was it good? Is he big? Did he put it down on you so good that it’s all you can think about now??”

“I saidalmost,” I corrected. “We didn’t end up actually having sex. Which is the whole problem!”

“Y’all didn’t have sex? Why not?”

“I don’t know,” I said, throwing up my hands in frustration. “I tried to initiate, but he kept slowing us down. I didn’t get to talk to him about it today, and we fell asleep after doing…other stuff…last night.”

“We’ll get back to theother stufflater,” Estelle said with a raised eyebrow. “But about the non-sex: did it seem like he wasn’t into it?”

“No, he definitely seemed into it.” I blushed.

“Okay, so it’s not that.” She tapped her finger to her lips. “Did anything strange happen? Or, I guess we don’t know what’s strange because you haven’t been together for that long… What was the conversation about the sex like?”

I sighed, resuming my napkin shredding. “Well, hedidask me if I was a virgin…”

Estelle gasped. “Girl.”

“I know.”

“Well, shit. Maybe that’s it, then.” She leaned back into her chair. “Were there any times that he seemed more into it than other times?”

I thought back to our night, squinting as I went through the events. “Maybe when he saw my underwear?” I said.

Estelle’s eyes lit up, and she nodded, suddenly getting up. “Good. I have an idea then. But let’s pick up our lunch to go.”

I stood up also, frowning. “Why are we getting lunch to go?” I asked.

She grinned in a way that made me think that she was up to no good—which, with Estelle, was sometimes the case. “We’re gonna make itverydifficult for him to slow things down,” she said. “But that requires a shopping trip.”



Itugged at the jeans I was wearing, frowning at my reflection in the mirror. “I don’t know about this,” I said to Estelle.

We were in the department store in town, Just Clothes, in search of outfits and undergarments that would get Nathan’s attention. We had already decided on a few bra-and-panty sets, but then Estelle suggested shopping for other clothes while we were there. So far, I had tried on several different outfits, everything ranging from casual to super sexy, but nothing seemed to fit right. It wasn’t a matter of size—I had been the same height and weight since high school—but rather, a feeling of not-quite-rightness.

Estelle’s expression mirrored mine as she took in my outfit. “You don’t seem to like any of these,” she noted. “This is the fifty-leventh outfit you’ve tried on. Do any of them spark something in you?”

I bit my lip, not wanting to hurt her feelings, seeing as how she picked out all the clothes. “Sorta?”

She sighed, turning toward the pile of shirts to pick one out. As she held one to me, she mused, “This could work with those jeans.”

“Then maybe I should get it, and the jeans?” I asked.

“Do you want to?”