But then again, I didn’t want to alienate Brooklyn, who was one of the only friends I had. Not to mention, she was the one I’d known the longest and who knew me best. I knew this would be hard for her because of the money aspect, and I didn’t want her to feel out of place.
I started to sweat as I tried to think of a way to appease everyone, knowing that they were waiting for my answer.I have to do something,I thought.
“Well?” Mack prompted. “Which idea sounds good to you, Ciara?”
“Yeah, which idea sounds best to you, Cici?” Brooklyn added, glaring at Sara.
“Well,” I started, “they all seem pretty good. And they all have their merits…” I shrugged. “Why don’t we have it at the Pru? Top of the Hub, if we can swing it? It gives a beautiful view of the skyline, it’s inside, and it’s very classy.”
Mack was already nodding, pulling out her phone. “That’s perfect,” she said, her fingers moving quickly across her screen. “I know a guy there. He can book the space, no problem.”
“Of course he can,” Brooklyn grumbled under her breath.
“And Lyn, can you help us coordinate things?” I asked her. “You always know how to make sure things run smoothly, and I could really use your help with that. As my maid of honor.”
She nodded once. “Done and done.”
I breathed a quiet sigh of relief as the three women continued the conversation.Crisis averted,I thought.For now.
By the time we’d finished brunch, we had all the details hashed out for the bridal party, and many of the logistics for the wedding, as well. Despite the rocky start, collaborating with Sara and Mack was a relief. Sara was really good at her job, and Mack was the perfect buffer between her and Brooklyn. Things were coming along.
But when I returned to Nathan’s apartment, I was beat. We had spent three hours at the diner, then decided to actually go to the Prudential to talk to Mack’s friend, then walked around the space to talk logistics. When we finished with that, I waited with Brooklyn for the train that she insisted on taking home, while updating her about my first night with Nathan, which took an additional hour…I couldn’t wait to get home.
I walked into the apartment, dropping my keys on the table in the foyer and leaning against it to take off my shoes. I was so focused on loosening the laces that I didn’t hear Nathan until he was right in front of me.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said.
I jumped, bumping into the table. “Oh goodness, you scared me!”
“Sorry, seems to be a thing with me.” He grinned, not looking at all repentant. “Did you have fun with the girls?”
I grimaced. “I don’t know iffunwould be the right word, but we do have a plan for the bridal party this weekend. All we have to do is send out the invitations, which Sara said she would take care of.”
“Hmmm.” Nathan scratched his jaw. “And how is Sara doing?”
I frowned at the weird note in his voice. “She’s fine, I guess,” I said. “Did something happen between you two?”
“No, not really.” When I waited, he added, “We just…dated. Once. A long time ago.”
A knot formed in my throat, my mind going a million miles an hour.He dated Sara? Is he comparing her to me and wishing he was marrying her instead? Matter of fact, whyisn’the marrying her? They would be perfect together… They run in the same social circle. She’s even friends with Mack, so she’s already been approved by the family.The knot in my throat grew to the size of a golf ball.
But I didn’t want Nathan to know I was worried and for him to be concerned that I was backing out. So instead of voicing my thoughts, I just said, “Oh. I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, it was a couple of years ago,” he said. “It was no big deal.”
“No big deal,” I repeated faintly. Nausea accompanied the knot.
Nathan watched my face, frowning. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” I swallowed my anxiety and tried to smile. “I’m fine. Are you hungry? I could make something.”
I wandered toward the kitchen, trying not to think about how good Nathan and Sara would look together.She would fit right in with his family,I thought sadly.Smart, successful, pretty… What’s not to love?
I opened the pantry, looking at items without really seeing them. Nathan stood behind me, his voice close to my ear.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked. “Something seems off, and it started when I asked about Sara. You know she doesn’t mean anything to me, right?”
I closed my eyes. “How would I know what she means to you?” I asked before I could stop myself. “I didn’t even know you dated her.”