“Is this okay?” he asked between kisses. “Am I going too fast?”

“No,” I assured. “I love this; keep going.”

He brushed the hem of my T-shirt, moving his hand underneath to brush his fingers against my nipple. I whimpered, grinding upwards to get closer to him.

He groaned again. “God, Ciara, I’ve been thinking about this all day.”

“All day?”

“Yes.” He hissed as my hands explored first his abs, then lower. “What it would be like for you to behere, in this apartment, with me. And then, I saw you in the shower, and I just…fell apart. I couldn’t stop thinking about you in my bed. Should we move there? Are you comfortable on this couch?”

I pressed a finger to his lips to stop him from continuing to worry. “Nathan, I’m fine,” I said. “I want to be here with you. This is perfect.”

I could feel his relief as if it was a tangible thing. His shoulders relaxed, and he kissed my finger. “Good,” he said, moving my hands above my head. “That’s good.”

He brought his lips to the dip in my throat, giving it a small bite. When I made a noise, surprised at the sting, he soothed the spot with his tongue.

Despite the fact that we were married, we had only known each other a short while, definitely much less time than I knew my last boyfriend. It lent a surreal quality to us being together on his couch in this way.

But when I looked at his face, the amount of time we’d known each other didn’t matter. His gaze was reverent and hungry, searing and adoring all at once. No one had ever looked at me the way Nathan did.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and brought his lips to mine again, unable to stand the distance any longer. He responded in kind, pulling me to him, running his hands over my thighs and squeezing my backside, making me feel wanted and sexy as he murmured his appreciation.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said. “So amazing. What did I do to deserve you?”

“Join a dating app?” I joked against his lips.

He laughed, a rumble that I felt all the way down to my sex. “Accurate,” he conceded.

As he played with my hair, his gaze flitted across my face, down to my lips, and upward again. Finally, he said, “I don’t know about you, but this had the opposite effect of making me tired. I’m wide awake now, and I have to leave for work in”—he lifted a bit to check his watch, groaning—“six hours.”

“Should we go to bed, then?”

He grimaced and nodded. “Unfortunately.”

Standing up, he held out a hand so he could pull me up, as well. I took it and let go as soon as I was up, suddenly feeling shy. I, too, was wired, even less likely to go to sleep now that I’d felt how hard Nathan was and had had at least one of my dirty fantasies come to life. If cold showers were a thing for women, too, I would have to take one.

“Can we spoon in bed, maybe?” he asked. “Unless that would be crossing a line—I just figured—”

I took his hand again, his nervousness empowering me to speak. “That sounds great,” I said. “Let’s go to bed.”

The cold shower would have to wait.



The next morning, the bright light of the sun woke me. I stretched, closing my eyes against the glare peeking through the curtains. When my arm hit cold sheets, I turned to see an empty bed and a note on Nathan’s pillow.

Hey, pretty girl – didn’t wanna wake you; had to leave pretty early. Coffee’s in the pot. I’ll text you later. – Prince Charming ;)

Ismiled and traced the letters in Nathan’s neat print, imagining him sneaking out of the room so as to not wake me. The night before had been a welcome surprise, both the makeout session and the cuddling in bed afterward. I thought having Nathan close by would stop me from sleeping, but it ended up being just what I needed. The last thing I remembered was Nathan pressing a sweet kiss to the nape of my neck and settling in with an arm around my waist.

I set the note down on my bedside table, picking up my phone as I made my way to the kitchen for coffee. I checked my texts.

Brooklyn: Hey – dinner tonight? Gotta do some stuff for work this afternoon but wanna hear about your first night with Nathannnnn ??

Mack:Hey, girl, what do you say to a breakfast date today? You can re-meet Sara ??