An alien feeling unfurled in my chest at her words.I’ve got you.I couldn’t remember the last time I had heard that from someone, especially a woman. I was the one that took charge, the one who had the answers and could lead. I took after my mom in that way.

But I couldn’t deny the tension that slipped from my shoulders at the thought of putting down my burden of responsibility. Or, just for a moment, sharing it with someone else.

“Okay,” I said finally. “I’m yours to command. Mix away.”

Her eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn’t name, but desire skittered down my chest and hit below the belt. Our eyes locked, and my shirt, among other things, started to feel tight.

“You too look cozy,” Keana said as she passed by our station. She smirked up at me. “Make sure not to keep the pasta static for too long.”

I flashed her a tense smile. “We’ll keep that in mind,” I said.

When I turned back to Ciara, the moment had passed. Now, she looked up at me, a look of gentle patience on her face. “Ready?” she asked.

“Ready,” I confirmed.

With Ciara’s and Keana’s guidance, I managed not to mess anything else up—but by the time the class ended, I felt like I had been through a war.

“Good job tonight, everyone,” Keana called as we gathered our things. “Make sure to rate and review this class when you get a chance; every review helps. Even if you end up leaving with the same cooking skills you came in with.” More than a few sets of eyes landed on me.

I helped Ciara into her coat. “How much time do you have?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I don’t have anywhere else to be, and no job to go to in the morning, so I’m free for as long as you’ll have me.”

Though she seemed saddened when she mentioned having no job, she generally seemed upbeat. Definitely warmer than when we first met up that night.

Perfect,I thought.She’s in the right mood for what we’re gonna do next.

I wanted to check out this dessert place on Boylston Street, located near the Prudential building. At night, they created a cozy, romantic atmosphere by dimming the lights, busting out the candles, and making the most decadent items on their menu shareable. Or at least, that’s what John had told me. According to him, he brought many, if not most of his dates to the place. Originally, I was going to surprise Ciara with dessert, but after she told me she didn’t like surprises, I thought better of it.

“Do you like chocolate?” I asked.

Her eyes lit up. “I love chocolate,” she gushed immediately. She squinted. “Why? What did you have in mind?”

We walked through the front entrance of Keana’s Kreations, and I tucked her hand into the crook of my arm. “There’s a dessert place called Au Chocolat that makes the most amazing chocolate desserts and cannolis,” I said as we started down Boylston Street. “It could be a nice after-dinner thing to do.”

“Sure,” Ciara said easily. She smiled, tilting her head toward the sky. “It’s a nice enough night. Let’s do it.”

I grinned, relieved that for the first time that night, I had done something right.

We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking, each of us regaling the other with stories from our dating lives or from our past. When we were alone, Ciara opened up. Her sense of humor was understated but fully present, and her delivery of jokes was often dry and deadpan but hilarious. There were times when I didn’t know she was joking until I looked at the twinkle in her eye, and it was enough to send me over the edge into hysterics.

By the time the bill came, it felt like I was going to have to be rolled out of the restaurant. I was full of food and a deep sense of satisfaction. The more I got to know Ciara, the more I wanted to know. I craved her steadiness and approval in a way that I hadn’t expected. And that’s nothing to say of the budding attraction I felt for her.

I wasn’t ready to leave her for the night, so as I quickly put my card in the billfold, I made a decision.

“I know it’s getting late,” I said, covering her hand with mine, “but what say you to hanging out at my place? It’s not too far from here.”

Ciara bit her lip. “I don’t know; I have to be at the airport in the afternoon tomorrow, to pick up Brooklyn.”

“Then stay the night and let me drive you,” I urged. “I promise to have you there on time.”

“Well, if you’re sure…”

“I’m sure,” I said. “It’ll take us no time to get there. My apartment is closer to the airport than Hemingway is. And I can drop you both off in Hemingway, or wherever you wanna go. Deal?”

Ciara thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “Deal.”

The knot that had formed at the thought of her leaving loosened, and I smiled. “Well then, let’s head back to my place.”