So I gave her time and space.
Soon, it was the week before the wedding. Everything had gone smoothly in the planning stages, and now all that was left was my bachelorette party and the wedding itself. Mack refused to tell me anything about the bachelorette party—Brooklyn was planning it, but she also helped—only that Brooklyn had “done well.”
“You’ll love it,” she assured me as we walked out of Lucky Star III. “I promise. All you have to do is show up at my parents’ place at seven o’clock tomorrow morning, and we’ll go from there.”
I frowned. “Why your parents’ place?” I asked. “And why so early?”
She grinned and winked, shrugging in a demur fashion that didn’t suit her usual personality. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see,” she called over her shoulder as she walked away.
That night, lying in bed with Nathan, I expressed my concerns about not knowing anything about the bachelorette party and all that had been going on with Brooklyn. Even though I was still taking Estelle’s advice, giving Brooklyn time and space, I wanted to get Nathan’s opinion on it. I thought maybe he could provide a different perspective.
He ran a finger up and down my arm, seeming to stop and start a sentence several times before responding. “Honestly, I can’t really advise you on this,” he admitted. “I only know Brooklyn from the one time we hung out with her together and from what you’ve said. And from what I know, I’m inclined to side with Estelle on this one—sometimes, you gotta lose some people.
“Also,” he added, “regarding the bachelorette party…as much as I complain about Mack running people’s lives, she knows how to throw a good party. She has a sixth sense about what people will like. I’m sure she wouldn’t go along with something you’re not comfortable with, even if Brooklyn was the one planning it.”
“I hope so,” I murmured, settling my head on his chest. “What are the guys planning for you?”
“Not sure,” Nathan mused. “Brandon and Harold are sharing best-man duties, even though Brandon is technically the best man for simplicity purposes. Brandon, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, likes to stay on the margins of things. He also hates organized anything—sports, religion, customs. Holidays.”
I giggled. “I did notice that. Doesn’t he live out in the woods?”
“He does.” There was a wryness to his voice, with a touch of admiration thrown in. “Anyway, he would only agree to be my best man if he could split the tasks with someone else. Harold was all too happy to do it. So the bachelor party could go either way. We could be playing pool and getting drinks, or we could be skydiving.”
I raised my eyebrows. “That big of a difference?”
“Brandon likes to live on the edge, and not just the edge of the forest.” Nathan smirked at his own joke. “Anyway, I’m sure you all will have fun. Just trust Mack; she’ll take care of you.”
It was with Nathan’s reassurance that I made my way to his parents’ house. In the early morning, the sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the land. Even though the temperature was still in the forties, I lowered the window to let the spring air filter into the car. It carried the scent of flowers on its tail, tickling my nose but wrapping me in a feeling of rejuvenation. If I hadn’t been driving, I would have closed my eyes, perfectly content to be swept up in the season.
When I reached the house and stopped my car in the driveway, I noticed everyone standing in a loose group by a limo. Estelle yawned, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she held a to-go cup in the other. Brooklyn was deeply immersed in whatever she was looking at on her phone, but she had her characteristic morning frown stamped on her face. Of the three of them, Mack was the only one who seemed even remotely awake. She smiled as I approached with my overnight bag.
“The woman of the hour!” she exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. “How do you feel, bride-to-be?”
I smiled as she pulled away. “How does one usually feel at the crack of dawn?” I joked.
“Exactly what I said,” Brooklyn muttered, still looking at her phone.
Mack cut her eyes at Brooklyn but didn’t say anything. She turned to me instead, a bright smile in place. “Not to worry,” she said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “You can take a nap in the car. We have a ways to go.”
My heart rate picked up, and I glanced at Brooklyn—who still hadn’t acknowledged me. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” Mack promised.
“Girl, you’re gonna love it,” Estelle gushed.
Brooklyn sighed loudly. “Can we just go already?”
She walked around the limo to open the door on the other side and got in. Mack and Estelle exchanged a look but said nothing.
After an awkward silent moment, Mack clapped her hands together. “Well, let’s get on the road!”
* * *
Brooklyn picked at her eggs, scrunching up her nose at her dish. “I’m just saying. We could’ve found better brunch options right in Boston.”
Though I endeavored not to look at her, I could hear Estelle’s low sigh. Mack looked ready to commit violence on Brooklyn. And Brooklyn pretended to be none the wiser.
The ladies had taken me to the Hamptons for three full days of festivities. Mack told me on the way to the airport, where all of us sat in first class for a thirty-minute trip. We had an amazing, small breakfast on the flight, and then settled into our hotel rooms before getting ready and heading to brunch.