Nathan nodded. “I will, sir,” he said.
And with that, my dad ambled to the door.
As if on cue, people started coming in, and the DJ played the music on low. John hooted, doing the Dougie.
“And now,” he said, “we party!”
As people came in and found a place to sit, Nathan and I made our rounds around the room. Nathan introduced me to this family member or that one, always introducing me as his girlfriend. I was sure I was beaming with pride at being on his arm, though my inner voice cautioned me against getting too attached to Nathan or his family.It’s just temporary, that little voice reminded me.You’ll only be with him for six months.
Despite my misgivings about getting too attached, the party was going smoothly. That is, until Zeke showed up.
I knew that he had arrived by the look on Nathan’s face. He glanced at the door, took a double take, and then glared. He brought me closer to his side, his jaw and fist clenched.
I, too, looked at the door. Just inside the doorway, greeting and laughing loudly with others, was a man in an all-white suit, complete with white shoes. We were standing close enough that I could see his enormous watch face and shiny wedding ring, which glittered and reflected the lights in the room. He was tall, like Nathan, but lanky, his legs almost the same width as mine from what I could see. He was unquestionably handsome, even still, with smooth waves, a neat line-up, and a square jaw.
Next to him was a woman in a matching white bodycon dress, the material hugging her ample curves. She had on sky-high gold stilettos, her toes perfectly manicured and painted white. Her wavy hair fell down her back like a waterfall, shiny and smooth. Her smile was friendly but somewhat distant, as if she was thinking about other things—like maybe how heavy her rock of a wedding ring was.
Nathan grumbled. “Might as well get this over with,” he said darkly. Grabbing my hand, he tugged me forward until I matched pace with him. Though I wanted to drag my feet and my palms had started sweating as soon as Nathan mentioned Zeke’s name, I knew this meeting was inevitable. After all, I was supposed to be on Nathan’s arm specifically to convince Zeke that we were in love and ready to be married.
We stopped in front of the newly arrived couple. “Hey, Zeke,” Nathan said, none of his animosity showing on his face or in his voice. “Glad you could make it.”
The two slapped hands and hugged in the way that men do, each patting the other on the back a few times before they let go.
Zeke grinned good-naturedly, though I got a distinctly slimy feeling from it. “Of course,” he said, his voice a smooth baritone. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He turned to me then, tilting his head as he studied me. “And who might this be?” he asked, glancing at Nathan. “Not another random woman, I hope?”
Nathan’s eyes flashed, and he tucked me into his side. “This is my girlfriend, Ciara Payne,” Nathan said. “Ciara, this is my cousin, Zeke, and his wife, Natasha.”
Natasha smiled her bland smile at me. “Great to meet you,” she said.
I returned the gesture, feeling my mouth twitch from the effort of holding it there. “Likewise,” I said.
“Hey, I know things have been a little rough lately, what with Aunty’s passing,” Zeke said to Nathan, concern oozing from his voice. He placed a hand on Nathan’s shoulder, and I could see Nathan stiffen. “Let me know if you want me to help you go over the estate stuff. Dad has been prepping me—you know, just in case something like this happened—and I know you have your own business to worry about, so if you want me to take over—”
“I’m good, but thanks for the offer,” Nathan interrupted. His smile was more of a baring of teeth than a gesture of happiness. “Mom taught me everything she knew, so I’m well set up to take over the estate.”
Zeke made a face as if he conceded the point, but then he tilted his head from side to side. “But are you though?” he asked, his voice a shade closer to mocking than curiosity.
“What does that mean?” Nathan asked, his words measured.
I smoothed a hand down his arm, feeling the muscles and tendons held taut in his posture. I could feel my own heart speeding up as if my body sensed danger in Zeke’s smile. I couldn’t tell if Nathan and Zeke realized it, but they were both squared off, as if ready for a fight. And while I didn’t think it would come to blows, I felt my concern ratchet up a few more notches.
“It means,” Zeke replied, “that you have to bemarriedto oversee the estate. So even though you’re next in line to take over everything, because you’re not married, it would go to the next-oldest boy thatismarried. Brandon’s not married either, and Damien’s younger than me, so…I guess that would be me, no?”
“I know,” Nathan snapped.
I watched the two as if I was watching a thriller, on the edge of my chair if I had one. I stopped myself from biting my nails, a nervous habit that only surfaced when I was truly stressed. And it made sense; everything hung in the balance for Nathan’s side of the family. And from what he’d told me, if his cousin got a hold of the estate, he would put the whole family name in danger through careless handling of funds.
But suddenly, Nathan’s posture changed. He relaxed, a smug smile crossing his face. He turned to me, and my heart dropped at the look on his face. I knew exactly what words were going to come out of his mouth next, what action he was about to take.
Unfortunately, I was right. He got into a kneeling position, getting down on one knee. My breathing slowed, even though I was freaking out.No,I said silently.Please not here. Please, not like this.I thought I heard someone gasp behind me.
“Ciara Payne,” he said, his voice clear and loud for everyone in the vicinity to hear. “Will you marry me?”