Page 34 of Take It on Faith

I looked around me then caught Andrew’s eye. He smiled and shrugged as if to say, Hey, what can you do?

I sighed. This was going to be a long trip.

I used the first several hours of the trip to search for other jobs.

At first, Andrew looked on over my shoulder. Soon, though, he squeezed his long-legged body next to mine in the tiny kitchenette booth.

“Of all of the places to sit, you chose right next to me. Really?”

“Yes, really. I know that I get you all hot and bothered”—I rolled my eyes—“but remember, you have a fiancé who loves you.”

“Do you need something, Parker?”

“Just making sure you don’t ruin your life.” He looked at my laptop computer screen and frowned. “Looks like I just made it in time.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“These jobs you’re applying for.” He pulled the laptop toward him. “Office assistant? Receptionist? Why? You don’t even like office work.”

“It fits the skillset that I have,” I replied, moving the computer back toward me. “It’s what I know how to do.”

“Yes, it’s part of what you know how to do,” he said. “But it’s not all of what you know how to do. For instance, you could take photos at a PL Hughes, if you wanted to.”

“Family portraits in the mall?” I scrunched up my nose. “Babies and shi— stuff?”

“You can say ‘shit,’ you know,” Jean Lee piped up. “We’re all adults.”

Someone snickered at her. “I’m an adult. I’m twenty-one!” she said, pouting.

“I know we’re all adults”—I looked at Jean Lee and pressed a smile from my lips—“but my mother says that I need to work on my sailor mouth.” I grimaced. “And Michael agrees.”

Jean Lee let out a groan while Andrew looked at me, eyebrow raised. “He does?”

“Yeah.” I blushed. “It’s a long story.”

“We have hours. Please, do tell.”

“It’s nothing big, Minnie,” I said. I clicked on a new tab of my internet browser. “He just doesn’t have great experiences with women who swear a lot.”

“But he’s marrying you. He doesn’t think you’re any different?”

Sensing an underlying statement, I turned to Andrew. “Spit it out, Parker. What is it?”

Andrew shrugged, shaking his head. Yasmine interpreted: “I think he’s thinking what I’m thinking. What the fuck kinda guy are you marrying?”

“Agreed,” Danny piped up from the front. “Does he know you’re on the road with a rock band right now?”

“If he does, he must not know what kind of rock band. Did he listen to any of our songs?”

“I mean, what grown-ass adult expects his bride not to swear? What time period did he grow up in, the Victorian era?”

“Lighten up on Alicia, you guys,” Kevin put in. “This is her first official day. Chill.”

“The point is that you don’t have to be or not be anything that isn’t authentic to you. Not on this bus.” Yasmine turned to me with a grin. “Feel free to let loose, Alicia. We’re here to help if you need it.”

Hoots went up all around, complete with lewd gestures and a low, murmured laugh from Andrew. I rolled my eyes.

“Noted,” I said. “Now can I get back to what I was doing?”