Page 30 of Take It on Faith

As I studied Michael, I could see that mentioning Andrew had the opposite effect on Michael. The subtle sense of possessiveness radiated from Michael, heating the air more than the late summer heat ever could. And here, I thought it would be a good thing that Andrew was going.

“I’m not going with Andrew, Michael,” I said finally. “I’m going on tour with my favorite band, and Andrew will happen to be there.”

“And you can just pick up and leave your job here, Andy?” Michael asked.

Andrew’s lazy smile made me narrow my eyes. The practiced casualness of the expression reminded me more of a predator in wait than the Andrew I knew. “It’s Andrew,” he corrected. “And yes. My job gives me the flexibility to come and go as needed. They understand that sometimes, I have to do what I can to support the important people in my life.”

A tense silence ensued in which the two men stared each other down. Though the fact that they so openly disliked each other made sweat trickle down my back, I also wanted to roll my eyes at the brazen display of testosterone. What was this, the 50s?

“Well, I guess it’ll be good for Andy to go,” Michael said after a while. When my mother and I raised our eyebrows at him, he said, “He’ll be there to watch out for her, be there for her when she needs to be taken care of.” Andrew’s eyes swiveled to mine, and I tried to hold back a grimace.

“I think Alicia would give me a wallop or two if I tried to be there for her when she didn’t want me to, but I’m flattered,” Andrew said. “How about this: I’ll do it for the adventure.” He smiled at me. “Protecting her is just a bonus.”

Though I wanted to pummel him on the spot, I simply rolled my eyes. My mom frowned as if putting something together in her mind.

“Sounds like we have a deal,” Michael said. He stuck out his hand for Andrew to shake. Andrew grabbed it firmly.

“Sounds like it,” I said.

* * *

A few days later, I sat at my desk, almost bouncing from residual joy. The Leroys, a band I had followed since high school, wanted me to be their photographer so badly that they offered me a job on the spot. I couldn’t believe it.

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I barely noticed my supervisor waiting by my desk. “Alicia,” she said, and I jumped. “Can you come in my office for a minute?”

My heart beat wildly in my chest. I wonder what’s going on. Slowly, I stood up from my desk and stood in my boss’s doorway. “Sure, what’s going on?”

“Close the door, please.”

With my heart gaining speed and sweat flowing freely down my back, I obeyed. I hovered by a chair before taking the plunge and sitting down. “Yes?”

“I got a call from our IT department because they found strange activity coming from your computer station.” My boss steepled her fingers together. “Do you know what they found?”

“No, ma’am.” Out of her eyesight, I picked the skin around my fingernails.

“They found multiple job site tabs open in your internet browser, and something about photography submissions?” My boss frowned. “To bands?”

“Yes,” I squeaked. I cleared my throat and said in a calmer voice, “Those were just random contests that I entered. Nothing serious.”

“Well, it seems pretty serious to me,” Boss said. “It seems like you’re searching for another job. Have we not done right by you and Quinta? Is that why you’re looking for other opportunities?”

“No, ma’am,” I said quickly. “I appreciate this job. And the opportunities you all have given me.”

Boss sighed. “But you don’t love this job, and it’s showing in your work.” She handed me a sheaf of papers, the top one displaying her travel plans. “The hotel wasn’t even booked, Alicia. If I hadn’t caught that, I would be in New Mexico with no place to sleep. What do you have to say about this?”

“I’m sorry,” I stammered. “It won’t happen again.”

“You’re right, it won’t.” She sighed again. “I wanted to repay Quinta for all of her generosity, but I just don’t see this working out. Effective immediately, you are terminated from your position. You are to pack up your things and head to HR to pick up your final check. A member of security will escort you from there. Do I make myself clear?”

I heard my boss as if we were both underwater. I couldn’t believe it. Fired? I had never been fired from anything before. What was I supposed to do for money?

“Understood?” my boss prompted.

I gulped. “Understood. I’ll start packing now.”

I stood up slowly, holding onto the armrest for support. With small, quiet steps, I shuffled back to my desk to pack up my things.

* * *