Page 28 of Take It on Faith

Almost as much as I hated this uncertainty.

Andrew dropped his hands from my shoulders and took my hand in his. “C’mon, Ace,” he said quietly. “Let’s show them how it’s done.”

I remembered when we danced at our high school prom.

We moved slowly to the tired beat of the band. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and his wrapped around my hips. Slowly, he moved me in a small circle. I sighed against his chest.

“I wish everything was this peaceful in my life.” I held back the tears for fear of ruining my makeup. High schoolers can be cruel, and I didn’t want to give them any more fodder. “Everything with Dante, and his illness…”

I felt Andrew’s nod. “It sucks, for sure,” he said. “Which is why this moment is so important.”

I pulled back a little to look at his face. “This moment right here?” I asked. “Why?”

He looked at me, too, then, eyes shining with some unnamed emotion. “This is the moment your life changes forever,” he said. “Can’t you feel it? There’s something in the air tonight that has sparked a flame in your heart. You’ll look back on this moment five, six years from now and know that this was the moment that changed everything. I only hope that I’m there to see it.”

And as I looked into his eyes, I did feel it. Something within me had clicked into place, the “aha!” moment I had been waiting for this whole time without knowing it. All of the sadness, all of the strife with my brother Dante and my parents, it all washed away, out with the tide. And my doubts, everpresent as I thought about the measure of my life, were bottled up like a secret that no one wants to keep. They, too, were whisked away with the tide.

Looking at Andrew, I knew that he was a part of this peace, this serenity in my life. He was my oasis in the desert, the eye of my storm. And I knew, when the time came, he would be there to witness all of it.