Page 26 of Take It on Faith


It turns out that Catalina had more pull with my mother than I realized. “I was able to invite some key people,” Catalina said as we walked down the hall. I looked at her askance. She only smiled.

“Aunty Alicia?”

I turned to the voice I knew so well, a smile bright on my face. He smiled back, and my heart lurched. So much like his dad.

Justin Jones, my late brother’s only child, seemed to be all gangly arms and legs. His growth, while predictable, was startling for his eight years. It was as if he had grown overnight even though I saw him two weeks prior. My vision grew fuzzy as tears gathered. I missed my brother every day, when I allowed myself to think about it, and here was his almost identical, though smaller twin. If only he could see you, I thought. He would be so proud of the person you’re becoming.

“Justin.” I bent down to wrap my arms around him. “So good to see you. So glad you came! Is your mom here?”

He nodded against my shoulder. “In the backyard.”

I pulled away to look at him, and he beamed. “You’re getting so big! You look just like your dad.”

He shrugged, pride and embarrassment shining in equal measure. “Thanks.” He brightened further. “Will there be cake here?”

“I sure hope so!” We grinned at each other. “What’s a party with no cake?”

The three of us walked in unison down the hall, Catalina’s arm still looped in mine, my other arm around Justin’s shoulders. When we reached the backyard, I caught eyes with Ana, Justin’s mom and my sister-in-law. She gave me a two-fingered salute and turned back to Michael. I snorted as Ana gestured wildly and Michael nodded while pulling on his beard. I could see his grimace from clear across the yard. Typical Ana, I thought. Probably trying to get Michael to save the rain forest.

Cater-servers weaved their way around the backyard with hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Most people within eye range were laughing or dancing, and the playful cadence of the band swelled. The undertone of the drum caught my heart and carried it along the bass line of the guitar. I clasped my hands to my chest so as to not get carried away.

I turned to Cat, and she squeezed my shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” she said, and winked. Reaching around and tapping Justin on the shoulder, she said, “C’mon, let’s go find that cake.”

“Awesome!” He bounced on his toes as he walked away with Catalina. I smiled as I watched both of them go.

“And here, I was told that this party would be a wash.”

I rolled my eyes before turning to Andrew. “Can’t you make an entrance like a normal person?” I asked. “Or at least, make some noise instead of sneaking up on me all the time.”

“Can’t promise that.” His smile gentled as he took me in. “Wow, Ace, a shower really transformed you. Well done, my friend.”

“Man, screw you.” I laughed. Happiness bubbled over as I finally took him in. I touched his sleeve, and the fabric brushed against the pads of my fingers. The sleeves tapered subtly to his wrists, right below his watch. Though Andrew had the skinniest legs on Earth, I couldn’t tell despite the well-fitting pant legs of the suit. His shoes, leather and subtle, were properly tied—a miracle by anyone’s standards. Bringing my gaze up to his shirt, I noticed that it was an understated slate gray. The pocket square matched the hue of the shirt exactly.

I whistled low. “You’re not too bad yourself, Parker. You actually own a suit? Or did you rent this one, too?” My laughter rang through the yard as I recalled what he wore for prom night.

When Andrew had come to pick me up that night, I surveyed his suit with a critical eye. Some of the threads had hung loose, and the sleeves were way too short. Underneath the jacket, he had on a bright purple shirt with a silky, darker purple tie. His pocket square had been yet another vibrant shade, but different hue, of purple.

On his feet, he had donned a shiny black pair of shoes. The shoelaces had come untied and were hanging loose, like the threads of his suit jacket. At least the pants are the right length, I thought. But Jesus, he had been a mess otherwise.

“You do realize that those are tux shoes, right?” I hid my mouth behind my fingers to quell the laughter. “You’re a hot fucking mess, Parker. Where did you find this getup?”

“It was the only suit I could rent short-notice,” he said sheepishly. I locked eyes with him. “I know, I know, you told me to get a suit weeks ago.”

“Weeks. Plural. Emphasis on the plural.” I sighed, pulling him into my house, and shut the door. “Let’s see if my brother has a better suit. I think you two are the same size.”

My vision sharpened as I brought myself back to the present. Andrew was speaking, so I attempted to focus on his words.

“I’ll have you know, Ace, that I own many suits now.” He cleared his throat and looked away. “I didn’t have much of a choice.”

I tilted my head, puzzlement furrowing my brow. “Why?”

“Sadie.” He burrowed his hands in his pockets. “She…liked to go out.”

“You mean, she was a bougie-ass woman.” I smirked. “And you hated it.”